These bibliographic characterssets are collected and improved by Jörg Prante Thanks to: Library of Congress The Library of Congress provides an ANSEL code table file at for making the character set implementation of ANSEL/Z39.47 possible, including east asian code characters (EACC). US-ASCII The US-ASCII re-implementation was taken from the GNU classpath project. It is provided as a demonstration of a simple single-byte character set. The original code was licensed by the GNU Public License 2.1 (GPL) Simple ANSEL The ANSEL charset implementation by Piotr Andzel has been included as "simple ANSEL". The original code was licensed under Less GNU Public License 3 (LGPL 3.0) MAB The MAB Charset Java implementation was developed by Jürgen Kett of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) in 2004 and was licensed by GNU Public License 2 (GPL) MAB-Diskette This is a CP850 variant which could only be implemented by the help of Thomas Berger PicaCharset An alternative PICA character set implementation of Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) The original licence was GNU Public License 2 (GPL). ISO 5428:1984, "Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange", has been implemented by the help of