The subproject datastructures-immutable is based upon Google Guava License: Apache 2.0 as of 26 Dec 2023 (33.0.0) with thw following modifications: - use only classes that are required for ImmutableCollection, ImmutableList, ImmutableSet, ImmutableEnumSet, ImmutableMap, ImmutableBiMap, ImmutableEnumMap, - javadocs cleaned up, no @since and no @author tags, no 'todos' to avoid confusion with the original project - all annotations are removed (except @Override) - all deprecations are removed - all code relating to java serialization is removed - all comments relating to Guava classes is renamed or removed - all comments realting to GWT is removed - all helper classes with static code (like Preconditions, Lists, Sets, Maps etc) are resolved and included into existing classes, also from other Guava subpackages - indentation level changed to 4 - lift Java language level to java 21 - use sealed classes for contractual integrity