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216 lines
6.2 KiB

8 years ago
plugins {
id "org.sonarqube" version "2.6.1"
id "" version "0.11.0"
id "com.github.spotbugs" version "1.6.9"
id "org.xbib.gradle.plugin.asciidoctor" version ""
8 years ago
printf "Host: %s\nOS: %s %s %s\nJava: %s %s %s %s\nGradle: %s Groovy: %s Java: %s\n" +
8 years ago
"Build: group: ${} name: ${} version: ${project.version}\n",
gradle.gradleVersion, GroovySystem.getVersion(), JavaVersion.current()
8 years ago
if (JavaVersion.current() < JavaVersion.VERSION_11) {
throw new GradleException("This build must be run with java 11 or higher")
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'signing'
apply plugin: 'com.github.spotbugs'
apply plugin: 'pmd'
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
apply plugin: 'org.xbib.gradle.plugin.asciidoctor'
configurations {
8 years ago
dependencies {
testCompile "junit:junit:${'junit.version')}"
testCompile "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:${'log4j.version')}"
testCompile "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:${'log4j.version')}"
asciidoclet "org.xbib:asciidoclet:${'asciidoclet.version')}"
wagon "org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:${'wagon.version')}"
8 years ago
compileJava {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
compileTestJava {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
8 years ago
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:all"
if (!options.compilerArgs.contains("-processor")) {
options.compilerArgs << '-proc:none'
8 years ago
test {
jvmArgs =[
systemProperty 'jna.debug_load', 'true'
testLogging {
showStandardStreams = true
exceptionFormat = 'full'
clean {
delete "data"
delete "logs"
delete "out"
/*javadoc {
options.docletpath = configurations.asciidoclet.files.asType(List)
options.doclet = 'org.xbib.asciidoclet.Asciidoclet'
options.overview = "src/docs/asciidoclet/overview.adoc"
options.addStringOption "-base-dir", "${projectDir}"
options.addStringOption "-attribute",
configure(options) {
noTimestamp = true
8 years ago
/*task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
baseName "${}-${}"
from javadoc
into "build/tmp"
classifier 'javadoc'
8 years ago
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
baseName "${}-${}"
from sourceSets.main.allSource
into "build/tmp"
classifier 'sources'
8 years ago
artifacts {
archives javadocJar, sourcesJar
8 years ago
task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
classifier 'javadoc'
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
from sourceSets.main.allSource
classifier 'sources'
artifacts {
archives javadocJar, sourcesJar
if (project.hasProperty('signing.keyId')) {
signing {
sign configurations.archives
8 years ago
apply from: "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle/publish.gradle"
8 years ago
spotbugs {
effort = "max"
reportLevel = "low"
//includeFilter = file("findbugs-exclude.xml")
tasks.withType(com.github.spotbugs.SpotBugsTask) {
ignoreFailures = true
reports {
xml.enabled = false
html.enabled = true
tasks.withType(Pmd) {
ignoreFailures = true
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
ignoreFailures = true
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
pmd {
toolVersion = '6.11.0'
ruleSets = ['category/java/bestpractices.xml']
checkstyle {
configFile = rootProject.file('config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml')
ignoreFailures = true
showViolations = true
sonarqube {
properties {
property "sonar.projectName", "${} ${}"
property "sonar.sourceEncoding", "UTF-8"
property "sonar.tests", "src/test/java"
property "sonar.scm.provider", "git"
property "sonar.junit.reportsPath", "build/test-results/test/"
8 years ago
/*asciidoctor {
attributes toc: 'left',
doctype: 'book',
icons: 'font',
encoding: 'utf-8',
sectlink: true,
sectanchors: true,
linkattrs: true,
imagesdir: 'img',
'source-highlighter': 'coderay'
task aggregatedJavadoc(type: Javadoc) {
group = 'aggregation'
description = 'Generates aggregated Javadoc API documentation.'
title = "$description $version API"
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/docs/javadoc")
def sourceProjects = subprojects.findAll {
it.plugins.hasPlugin('java') || it.plugins.hasPlugin('groovy')
source sourceProjects.collect {
8 years ago
classpath = files(sourceProjects.collect {
//options.overview = 'gradle/api/overview.html'
8 years ago