You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

864 lines
28 KiB

package org.xbib.gradle.plugin.asciidoctor
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration
import org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection
import org.gradle.api.file.FileTree
import org.gradle.api.internal.file.copy.CopySpecInternal
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFiles
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Internal
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputDirectories
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.SkipWhenEmpty
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import org.gradle.api.tasks.util.PatternSet
import org.gradle.internal.FileUtils
import org.gradle.util.CollectionUtils
import org.xbib.gradle.plugin.asciidoctor.groovydsl.AsciidoctorExtensions
import java.nio.file.Path
@SuppressWarnings(['MethodCount', 'Instanceof'])
class AsciidoctorTask extends DefaultTask {
public static final String ASCIIDOCTOR_FACTORY_CLASSNAME = 'org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor$Factory'
private static final boolean IS_WINDOWS = System.getProperty('').contains('Windows')
private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty('path.separator')
private static final String DOUBLE_BACKLASH = '\\\\'
private static final String BACKLASH = '\\'
private static final String SAFE_MODE_CLASSNAME = 'org.asciidoctor.SafeMode'
private static final String DEFAULT_BACKEND =
private boolean baseDirSetToNull
private Object outDir
private Object srcDir
private final List<Object> gemPaths = []
private Set<String> backends
private Set<String> requires
private Map opts = [:]
private Map attrs = [:]
private PatternSet sourceDocumentPattern
private CopySpec resourceCopy
private static ClassLoader cl
* If set to true each backend will be output to a separate subfolder below {@code outputDir}
boolean separateOutputDirs = true
File baseDir
* Logs documents as they are converted
boolean logDocuments = false
* Old way to set only one source document
File sourceDocumentName
* Old way to define the backend to use
String backend
AsciidoctorProxy asciidoctor
* Stores the extensions defined in the configuration phase
* to register them in the execution phase.
List<Object> asciidoctorExtensions = []
ResourceCopyProxy resourceCopyProxy
Configuration classpath
AsciidoctorTask() {
srcDir = project.file('src/docs/asciidoc')
* Returns all of the Asciidoctor options
Map getOptions() { this.opts }
/** Apply a new set of Asciidoctor options, clearing any options previously set.
* For backwards compatibility it is still possible to replace attributes via this call. However the
* use of {@link #setAttributes(java.util.Map)} and {@link #attributes(java.util.Map)} are the now
* correct way of working with attributes
* @param m Map with new options
void setOptions(Map m) {
if (!m) return // null check
if (m.containsKey('attributes')) {
logger.warn 'Attributes found in options. Existing attributes will be replaced due to assignment. ' +
'Please use \'attributes\' method instead as current behaviour will be removed in future'
attrs = coerceLegacyAttributeFormats(m.attributes)
this.opts = m
/** Appends a new set of Asciidoctor options.
* For backwards compatibility it is still possible to append attributes via this call. However the
* use of {@link #setAttributes(java.util.Map)} and {@link #attributes(java.util.Map)} are the now
* correct way of working with attributes
* @param m Map with new options
void options(Map m) {
if (!m) return // null check
if (m.containsKey('attributes')) {
logger.warn 'Attributes found in options. These will be added to existing attributes. ' +
'Please use \'attributes\' method instead as current behaviour will be removed in future'
attributes coerceLegacyAttributeFormats(m.attributes)
this.opts += m
* Returns the current set of Asciidoctor attributes
Map getAttributes() { this.attrs }
* Applies a new set of Asciidoctor attributes, clearing any previously set
* @param m New map of attributes
void setAttributes(Map m) {
if (m) {
this.attrs = m
} else {
* Appends a set of Asciidoctor attributes.
* @param o a Map, List or a literal (String) definition
void attributes(Object... o) {
if (!o) {
for (input in o) {
this.attrs += coerceLegacyAttributeFormats(input)
* Returns the set of Ruby modules to be included.
Set<String> getRequires() { this.requires }
* Applies a new set of Ruby modules to be included, clearing any previous set.
* @param b One or more ruby modules to be included
void setRequires(Object... b) {
* Appends new set of Ruby modules to be included.
* @param b One or more ruby modules to be included
void requires(Object... b) {
if (this.requires == null) {
this.requires = []
if (!b) {
this.requires.addAll(CollectionUtils.stringize(b as List))
* Returns the current set of Asciidoctor backends that will be used for document generation
Set<String> getBackends() { this.backends }
void setBackend(String b) {
if (!b) {
deprecated 'setBackend', 'backends', 'Using `backend` and `backends` together will result in `backend` being ignored.'
backend = b
* Applies a new set of Asciidoctor backends that will be used for document generation clearing any
* previous backends
* @param b List of backends. Each item must be convertible to string.
void setBackends(Object... b) {
* Appends additional Asciidoctor backends that will be used for document generation.
* @param b List of backends. Each item must be convertible to string.
void backends(Object... b) {
if (this.backends == null) {
this.backends = []
if (!b) {
this.backends.addAll(CollectionUtils.stringize(b as List))
/** Defines extensions. The given parameters should
* either contain Asciidoctor Groovy DSL closures or files
* with content conforming to the Asciidoctor Groovy DSL.
void extensions(Object... exts) {
if (!exts) return // null check
asciidoctorExtensions.addAll(exts as List)
/** Sets a new gemPath to be used
* @param f A path object can be be converted with {@code project.file}.
void gemPath(Object... f) {
if (!f) {
this.gemPaths.addAll(f as List)
* Sets a new list of GEM paths to be used.
* @param f A {@code File} object pointing to list of installed GEMs
void setGemPath(Object... f) {
if (!f) {
this.gemPaths.addAll(f as List)
* Assigns a single string to a GEM path, scanning it for concatenated GEM Paths, separated by the platform
* separator. This utility is only for backwards compatibility
* @param s
void setGemPath(Object path) {
if (path instanceof CharSequence) {
} else if (path instanceof List) {
} else if (path instanceof File || path instanceof Path) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown path class: " + path.getClass().getName())
* Returns the list of paths to be used for {@code GEM_HOME}
FileCollection getGemPath() {
* Returns the list of paths to be used for GEM installations in a format that is suitable for assignment to {@code GEM_HOME}
* Calling this will cause gemPath to be resolved immediately.
String asGemPath() {
* Sets the new Asciidoctor parent source directory.
* @param f An object convertible via {@code project.file}
void sourceDir(Object f) {
this.srcDir = f
* Sets the new Asciidoctor parent source directory.
* @param f A {@code File} object pointing to the parent source directory
void setSourceDir(File f) {
this.srcDir = f
* Returns the parent directory for Asciidoctor source. Default is {@code src/asciidoc}.
File getSourceDir() {
* Sets the new Asciidoctor parent output directory.
* @param f An object convertible via {@code project.file}
void outputDir(Object f) {
this.outDir = f
* Sets the new Asciidoctor parent output directory.
* @param f A {@code File} object pointing to the parent output directory
void setOutputDir(File f) {
this.outDir = f
* Returns the current toplevel output directory
File getOutputDir() {
if (this.outDir == null) {
this.outDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'asciidoc')
* Returns the collection of source documents
* If sourceDocumentNames was not set or is empty, it will return all asciidoc files
* in {@code sourceDir}. Otherwise only the files provided earlier to sourceDocumentNames
* are returned if they are found below {@code sourceDir}
FileCollection getSourceDocumentNames() {
deprecated 'getSourceDocumentNames', 'getSourceFileTree'
* Sets a single file to the main source file
* @param f A file that is relative to {@code sourceDir}
void setSourceDocumentName(File f) {
deprecated 'setSourceDocumentName',
'setIncludes', 'File will be converted to a pattern.'
sources {
setIncludes([AsciidoctorUtils.getRelativePath(f.absoluteFile, sourceDir.absoluteFile)])
* Replaces the current set of source documents with a new set
* @parm src List of source documents, which must be convertible using {@code project.files}
void setSourceDocumentNames(Object... src) {
deprecated 'setSourceDocumentNames',
'Files are converted to patterns. Some might not convert correctly. ' +
'FileCollections will not convert'
File base = sourceDir.absoluteFile
def patterns = CollectionUtils.stringize(src as List).collect { String it ->
def tmpFile = new File(it)
String relPath
if (tmpFile.isAbsolute()) {
relPath = AsciidoctorUtils.getRelativePath(tmpFile.absoluteFile, base)
} else {
relPath = it
logger.debug "setSourceDocumentNames - Found ${it}, converted to ${relPath}"
sources {
void setBaseDir(File baseDir) {
this.baseDir = baseDir
baseDirSetToNull = baseDir == null
* Returns a list of all output directories.
Set<File> getOutputDirectories() {
if (separateOutputDirs) {
backends.collect { new File(outputDir, it) } as Set
} else {
[outputDir] as Set
* Returns a FileTree containing all of the source documents
* @return If {@code sources} was never called then all asciidoc source files below {@code sourceDir} will
* be included
FileTree getSourceFileTree() {
matching(this.sourceDocumentPattern ?: defaultSourceDocumentPattern)
* Add patterns for source files or source files via a closure
* @param cfg PatternSet configuration closure
void sources(Closure cfg) {
if (sourceDocumentPattern == null) {
sourceDocumentPattern = new PatternSet()
def configuration = cfg.clone()
configuration.delegate = sourceDocumentPattern
* Add to the CopySpec for extra files. The destination of these files will always have a parent directory
* of {@code outputDir} or {@code outputDir + backend}
* @param cfg CopySpec configuration closure
void resources(Closure cfg) {
if (this.resourceCopy == null) {
this.resourceCopy = project.copySpec(cfg)
} else {
def configuration = cfg.clone()
configuration.delegate = this.resourceCopy
* The default PatternSet that will be used if {@code sources} was never called
* By default all *.adoc,*.ad,*.asc,*.asciidoc is included. Files beginning with underscore are excluded
PatternSet getDefaultSourceDocumentPattern() {
PatternSet ps = new PatternSet()
ps.include '**/*.adoc'
ps.include '**/*.ad'
ps.include '**/*.asc'
ps.include '**/*.asciidoc'
ps.exclude '**/_*'
* The default CopySpec that will be used if {@code resources} was never called
* By default anything below {@code $sourceDir/images} will be included.
* @return A {@code CopySpec}, never null
CopySpec getDefaultResourceCopySpec() {
project.copySpec {
from(sourceDir) {
include 'images/**'
* Gets the CopySpec for additional resources
* If {@code resources} was never called, it will return a default CopySpec otherwise it will return the
* one built up via successive calls to {@code resources}
* @return A {@code CopySpec}, never null
CopySpec getResourceCopySpec() {
this.resourceCopy ?: defaultResourceCopySpec
* Gets the additional resources as a FileCollection.
* If {@code resources} was never called, it will return the file collections as per default CopySpec otherwise it
* will return the collections as built up via successive calls to {@code resources}
* @return A {@code FileCollection}, never null
FileCollection getResourceFileCollection() {
(resourceCopySpec as CopySpecInternal).buildRootResolver().allSource
void processAsciidocSources() {
if (sourceFileTree.files.size() == 0) {
logger.lifecycle 'Asciidoc source file tree is empty. Nothing will be processed.'
if (classpath == null) {
classpath = project.configurations.getByName(AsciidoctorPlugin.ASCIIDOCTOR)
if (!asciidoctorExtensions?.empty) {
Class asciidoctorExtensionsDslRegistry = loadClass(AsciidoctorExtensions.class.getName())
asciidoctorExtensions.each { asciidoctorExtensionsDslRegistry.extensions(it) }
if (!asciidoctor) {
if (resourceCopyProxy == null) {
resourceCopyProxy = new ResourceCopyProxyImpl(project)
if (requires) {
for (require in requires) {
for (activeBackend in activeBackends()) {
if (!AsciidoctorBackend.isBuiltIn(activeBackend)) {
logger.lifecycle("Passing through unknown backend: $activeBackend")
File outputDirFor(final File source, final String basePath, final File outputDir, final String backend) {
String filePath = ? source.absolutePath : source.parentFile.absolutePath
String relativeFilePath = normalizePath(filePath) - normalizePath(basePath)
File baseOutputDir = outputBackendDir(outputDir, backend)
File destinationParentDir = new File(baseOutputDir, relativeFilePath)
if (!destinationParentDir.exists()) {
private File outputBackendDir(final File outputDir, final String backend) {
separateOutputDirs ? new File(outputDir, FileUtils.toSafeFileName(backend)) : outputDir
private static String normalizePath(String path) {
path = path.replace(DOUBLE_BACKLASH, BACKLASH)
path = path.replace(BACKLASH, DOUBLE_BACKLASH)
private void instantiateAsciidoctor() {
if (gemPaths.size()) {
asciidoctor = new AsciidoctorProxyImpl(delegate: loadClass(ASCIIDOCTOR_FACTORY_CLASSNAME).create(asGemPath()))
} else {
try {
asciidoctor = new AsciidoctorProxyImpl(delegate: loadClass(ASCIIDOCTOR_FACTORY_CLASSNAME).create(null as String))
} catch (Exception e) {
asciidoctor = new AsciidoctorProxyImpl(delegate: loadClass(ASCIIDOCTOR_FACTORY_CLASSNAME).create())
private Set<String> activeBackends() {
if (this.backends) {
return this.backends
} else if (backend) {
return [backend]
private void processDocumentsAndResources(final String backend) {
try {
sourceFileTree.files.each { File file ->
if ('_')) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException('Source documents may not start with an underscore')
File destinationParentDir = owner.outputDirFor(file, sourceDir.absolutePath, outputDir, backend)
processSingleFile(backend, destinationParentDir, file)
resourceCopyProxy.copy(outputBackendDir(outputDir, backend), resourceCopySpec)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GradleException('Error running Asciidoctor', e)
protected void processSingleFile(String backend, File destinationParentDir, File file) {
if (logDocuments) {
logger.lifecycle("Converting $file")
asciidoctor.convertFile(file, mergedOptions(file,
project : project,
options : options,
attributes: attrs,
baseDir : !baseDir && !baseDirSetToNull ? file.parentFile : baseDir,
projectDir: project.projectDir,
rootDir : project.rootDir,
outputDir : destinationParentDir,
backend : backend]))
private static Map<String, Object> mergedOptions(File file, Map params) {
Map<String, Object> mergedOptions = [:]
mergedOptions.backend = params.backend
mergedOptions.in_place = false = resolveSafeModeLevel(, 0i)
mergedOptions.to_dir = params.outputDir
if (params.baseDir) {
mergedOptions.base_dir = params.baseDir
if (mergedOptions.to_file) {
File toFile = new File(mergedOptions.to_file)
mergedOptions.to_file = new File(mergedOptions.remove('to_dir'),
Map attributes = [:]
processMapAttributes(attributes, params.attributes)
// Note: Directories passed as relative to work around issue #83
// Asciidoctor cannot handle absolute paths in Windows properly
attributes.projectdir = AsciidoctorUtils.getRelativePath(params.projectDir, file.parentFile)
attributes.rootdir = AsciidoctorUtils.getRelativePath(params.rootDir, file.parentFile)
// resolve these properties here as we want to catch both Map and String definitions parsed above
attributes.'project-name' = attributes.'project-name' ?:
attributes.'project-group' = attributes.'project-group' ?: ( ?: '')
attributes.'project-version' = attributes.'project-version' ?: (params.project.version ?: '')
mergedOptions.attributes = attributes
// Issue #14 force GString -> String as jruby will fail
// to find an exact match when invoking Asciidoctor
for (entry in mergedOptions) {
if (entry.value instanceof CharSequence) {
mergedOptions[entry.key] = entry.value.toString()
} else if (entry.value instanceof List) {
mergedOptions[entry.key] = stringifyList(entry.value)
} else if (entry.value instanceof Map) {
mergedOptions[entry.key] = stringifyMap(entry.value)
} else if (entry.value instanceof File) {
mergedOptions[entry.key] = entry.value.absolutePath
private static List stringifyList(List input) {
input.collect { element ->
if (element instanceof CharSequence) {
} else if (element instanceof List) {
} else if (element instanceof Map) {
} else if(element instanceof File) {
} else {
private static Map stringifyMap(Map input) {
Map output = [:]
input.each { key, value ->
if (value instanceof CharSequence) {
output[key] = value.toString()
} else if (value instanceof List) {
output[key] = stringifyList(value)
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
output[key] = stringifyMap(value)
} else if(value instanceof File) {
output[key] = value.absolutePath
} else {
output[key] = value
protected static void processMapAttributes(Map attributes, Map rawAttributes) {
// copy all attributes in order to prevent changes down
// the Asciidoctor chain that could cause serialization
// problems with Gradle -> all inputs/outputs get serialized
// for caching purposes; Ruby objects are non-serializable
// Issue #14 force GString -> String as jruby will fail
// to find an exact match when invoking Asciidoctor
for (entry in rawAttributes) {
if (entry.value == null || entry.value instanceof Boolean) {
attributes[entry.key] = entry.value
} else {
attributes[entry.key] = entry.value.toString()
protected static void processCollectionAttributes(Map attributes, rawAttributes) {
for (attr in rawAttributes) {
if (attr instanceof CharSequence) {
def (k, v) = attr.toString().split('=', 2) as List
attributes.put(k, v != null ? v : '')
} else {
// QUESTION should we just coerce it to a String?
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Unsupported type for attribute ${attr}: ${attr.getClass()}")
private static Map coerceLegacyAttributeFormats(Object attributes) {
Map transformedMap = [:]
switch (attributes) {
case Map:
transformedMap = attributes
case CharSequence:
attributes.replaceAll('([^\\\\]) ', '$1\0').replaceAll('\\\\ ', ' ').split('\0').collect {
def split = it.split('=')
if (split.size() < 2) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Unsupported format for attributes: ${attributes}")
transformedMap[split[0]] = split.drop(1).join('=')
case Collection:
processCollectionAttributes(transformedMap, attributes)
if (attributes.class.isArray()) {
processCollectionAttributes(transformedMap, attributes)
} else {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Unsupported type for attributes: ${attributes.class}")
private static int resolveSafeModeLevel(Object safe, int defaultLevel) {
if (safe == null) {
} else if ( == SAFE_MODE_CLASSNAME) {
} else if (safe instanceof CharSequence) {
try {
Enum.valueOf(loadClass(SAFE_MODE_CLASSNAME), safe.toString().toUpperCase()).level
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} else {
private static Class loadClass(String className) {
private void setupClassLoader() {
if (classpath?.files) {
def urls = classpath.files.collect { it.toURI().toURL() }
cl = new URLClassLoader(urls as URL[], Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader)
Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = cl
} else {
cl = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
private void deprecated(final String method, final String alternative, final String msg = '') {
logger.lifecycle "Asciidoctor: ${method} is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " +
"Use ${alternative} instead. ${msg}"