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=== Relocating Packages
Shade is capable of scanning a project's classes and relocating specific dependencies to a new location.
This is often required when one of the dependencies is susceptible to breaking changes in versions or
to classpath pollution in a downstream project.
Google's Guava and the ASM library are typical cases where package relocation can come in handy.
Shadow uses the ASM library to modify class byte code to replace the package name and any import
statements for a class.
Any non-class files that are stored within a package structure are also relocated to the new location.
.Relocating a Package
The code snippet will rewrite the location for any class in the `junit.framework` to be `shadow.junit`.
For example, the class `junit.textui.TestRunner` becomes `shadow.junit.TestRunner`.
In the resulting JAR, the class file is relocated from `junit/textui/TestRunner.class` to
Relocation operates at a package level.
It is not necessary to specify any patterns for matching, it will operate simply on the prefix
Relocation will be applied globally to all instance of the matched prefix.
That is, it does **not** scope to __only__ the dependencies being shadowed.
Be specific as possible when configuring relocation as to avoid unintended relocations.
==== Filtering Relocation
Specific classes or files can be `included`/`excluded` from the relocation operation if necessary.
.Configuring Filtering for Relocation
==== Automatically Relocating Dependencies
Shadow ships with a task that can be used to automatically configure all packages from all dependencies to be relocated.
To configure automatic dependency relocation, declare a task of type `ConfigureShadowRelocation` and configure the
`target` parameter to be the `ShadowJar` task you wish to auto configure. You will also need to declared a task
dependency so the tasks execute in the correct order.
.Configure Auto Relocation
task relocateShadowJar(type: ConfigureShadowRelocation) {
target = tasks.shadowJar
prefix = "myapp" // Default value is "shadow"
tasks.shadowJar.dependsOn tasks.relocateShadowJar
Configuring package auto relocation can add significant time to the shadow process as it will process all dependencies
in the configurations declared to be shadowed. By default, this is the `runtime` or `runtimeClasspath` configurations.
Be mindful that some Gradle plugins (such as `java-gradle-plugin` will automatically add dependencies to your class path
(e.g. `java-gradle-plugin` automatically adds the full Gradle API to your `compile` configuratinon. You may need to
remove these dependencies if you do not intend to shadow them into your library.