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== Creating a Custom ShadowJar Task
The built in `shadowJar` task only provides an output for the `main` source set of the project.
It is possible to add arbitrary link:{api}/tasks/ShadowJar.html[`ShadowJar`] tasks to a project.
When doing so, ensure that the `configurations` property is specified to inform Shadow which dependencies to merge
into the output.
.Shadowing Test Sources and Dependencies
task testJar(type: ShadowJar) {
classifier = 'tests'
from sourceSets.test.output
configurations = [project.configurations.testRuntime]
The code snippet above will geneated a shadowed JAR contain both the `main` and `test` sources as well as all `runtime`
and `testRuntime` dependencies.
The file is output to `build/libs/<project>-<version>-tests.jar`.