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package org.xbib.gradle.plugin.shadow.transformers
import org.gradle.api.file.FileTreeElement
import org.xbib.gradle.plugin.shadow.internal.Utils
import static groovy.lang.Closure.IDENTITY
* Resources transformer that merges Properties files.
* <p>The default merge strategy discards duplicate values coming from additional
* resources. This behavior can be changed by setting a value for the <tt>mergeStrategy</tt>
* property, such as 'first' (default), 'latest' or 'append'. If the merge strategy is
* 'latest' then the last value of a matching property entry will be used. If the
* merge strategy is 'append' then the property values will be combined, using a
* merge separator (default value is ','). The merge separator can be changed by
* setting a value for the <tt>mergeSeparator</tt> property.</p>
* Say there are two properties files A and B with the
* following entries:
* <strong>A</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>key1 = value1</li>
* <li>key2 = value2</li>
* </ul>
* <strong>B</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>key2 = balue2</li>
* <li>key3 = value3</li>
* </ul>
* With <tt>mergeStrategy = first</tt> you get
* <strong>C</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>key1 = value1</li>
* <li>key2 = value2</li>
* <li>key3 = value3</li>
* </ul>
* With <tt>mergeStrategy = latest</tt> you get
* <strong>C</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>key1 = value1</li>
* <li>key2 = balue2</li>
* <li>key3 = value3</li>
* </ul>
* With <tt>mergeStrategy = append</tt> and <tt>mergeSparator = ;</tt> you get
* <strong>C</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>key1 = value1</li>
* <li>key2 = value2;balue2</li>
* <li>key3 = value3</li>
* </ul>
* <p>There are three additional properties that can be set: <tt>paths</tt>, <tt>mappings</tt>,
* and <tt>keyTransformer</tt>.
* The first contains a list of strings or regexes that will be used to determine if
* a path should be transformed or not. The merge strategy and merge separator are
* taken from the global settings.</p>
* <p>The <tt>mappings</tt> property allows you to define merge strategy and separator per
* path</p>. If either <tt>paths</tt> or <tt>mappings</tt> is defined then no other path
* entries will be merged. <tt>mappings</tt> has precedence over <tt>paths</tt> if both
* are defined.</p>
* <p>If you need to transform keys in properties files, e.g. because they contain class
* names about to be relocated, you can set the <tt>keyTransformer</tt> property to a
* closure that receives the original key and returns the key name to be used.</p>
* <p>Example:</p>
* <pre>
* import org.codehaus.griffon.gradle.shadow.transformers.*
* shadowJar {
* transform(PropertiesFileTransformer) {
* paths = [
* 'META-INF/editors/java.beans.PropertyEditor'
* ]
* keyTransformer = { key ->
* key.replaceAll('^(orig\.package\..*)$', 'new.prefix.$1')
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
class PropertiesFileTransformer implements Transformer {
private static final String PROPERTIES_SUFFIX = '.properties'
Map<String, Properties> propertiesEntries = [:]
List<String> paths = []
Map<String, Map<String, String>> mappings = [:]
String mergeStrategy = 'first'
String mergeSeparator = ','
Closure<String> keyTransformer = IDENTITY
boolean canTransformResource(FileTreeElement element) {
def path = element.relativePath.pathString
if (mappings.containsKey(path)) {
return true
for (key in mappings.keySet()) {
if (path =~ /$key/) {
return true
if (path in paths) {
return true
for (p in paths) {
if (path =~ /$p/) {
return true
!mappings && !paths && path.endsWith(PROPERTIES_SUFFIX)
void transform(TransformerContext context) {
Properties props = propertiesEntries[context.path]
Properties incoming = loadAndTransformKeys(context.inputStream)
if (props == null) {
propertiesEntries[context.path] = incoming
} else {
incoming.each { key, value ->
if (props.containsKey(key)) {
switch (mergeStrategyFor(context.path).toLowerCase()) {
case 'latest':
props.put(key, value)
case 'append':
props.put(key, props.getProperty(key as String) + mergeSeparatorFor(context.path) + value)
case 'first':
} else {
props.put(key, value)
boolean hasTransformedResource() {
propertiesEntries.size() > 0
void modifyOutputStream(ZipOutputStream os, boolean preserveFileTimestamps) {
propertiesEntries.each { String path, Properties props ->
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(path)
entry.time = TransformerContext.getEntryTimestamp(preserveFileTimestamps, entry.time)
Utils.copyLarge(toInputStream(props), os)
private Properties loadAndTransformKeys(InputStream is) {
Properties props = new Properties()
private Properties transformKeys(Properties properties) {
if (keyTransformer == IDENTITY)
return properties
def result = new Properties()
properties.each { key, value ->
result.put(, value)
private String mergeStrategyFor(String path) {
if (mappings.containsKey(path)) {
return mappings.get(path).mergeStrategy ?: mergeStrategy
for (key in mappings.keySet()) {
if (path =~ /$key/) {
return mappings.get(key).mergeStrategy ?: mergeStrategy
private String mergeSeparatorFor(String path) {
if (mappings.containsKey(path)) {
return mappings.get(path).mergeSeparator ?: mergeSeparator
for (key in mappings.keySet()) {
if (path =~ /$key/) {
return mappings.get(key).mergeSeparator ?: mergeSeparator
private static InputStream toInputStream(Properties props) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(), '')
new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())