diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 07f1ee1..fc6a9a7 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
plugins {
- id "de.marcphilipp.nexus-publish" version "0.4.0"
- id "io.codearte.nexus-staging" version "0.21.1"
+ id "checkstyle"
+ id "pmd"
+ id 'maven-publish'
+ id 'signing'
+ id "io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin" version "1.3.0"
+ id "com.github.spotbugs" version "5.0.14"
+ id "org.cyclonedx.bom" version "1.7.2"
wrapper {
@@ -9,14 +15,14 @@ wrapper {
ext {
- user = 'jprante'
+ user = 'joerg'
name = 'graphics'
description = 'A collection of graphics libraries for Java'
inceptionYear = '2020'
- url = 'https://github.com/' + user + '/' + name
- scmUrl = 'https://github.com/' + user + '/' + name
- scmConnection = 'scm:git:git://github.com/' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
- scmDeveloperConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
+ url = 'https://xbib.org/' + user + '/' + name
+ scmUrl = 'https://xbib.org/' + user + '/' + name
+ scmConnection = 'scm:git:git://xbib.org/' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
+ scmDeveloperConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://forgejo@xbib.org:' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
issueManagementSystem = 'Github'
issueManagementUrl = ext.scmUrl + '/issues'
licenseName = 'The GNU General Public License, Version 3'
@@ -25,8 +31,14 @@ ext {
subprojects {
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/ide/idea.gradle')
+ apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/repositories/maven.gradle')
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/compile/java.gradle')
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/test/junit5.gradle')
- apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publishing/publication.gradle')
+ apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/quality/checkstyle.gradle')
+ apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/quality/pmd.gradle')
+ apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/quality/spotbugs.gradle')
+ apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish/maven.gradle')
-apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publishing/sonatype.gradle')
+apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish/sonatype.gradle')
+apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish/forgejo.gradle')
+apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/quality/cyclonedx.gradle')
diff --git a/gradle/compile/java.gradle b/gradle/compile/java.gradle
index 658217c..046e29f 100644
--- a/gradle/compile/java.gradle
+++ b/gradle/compile/java.gradle
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ apply plugin: 'java-library'
java {
+ withSourcesJar()
+ withJavadocJar()
compileJava {
@@ -21,23 +23,6 @@ jar {
-task sourcesJar(type: Jar) {
- dependsOn classes
- classifier 'sources'
- from sourceSets.main.allSource
- duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
-task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
- dependsOn javadoc
- classifier 'javadoc'
- from javadoc.destinationDir
-artifacts {
- archives sourcesJar, javadocJar
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
diff --git a/gradle/publish/forgejo.gradle b/gradle/publish/forgejo.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b99b2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/publish/forgejo.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+if (project.hasProperty('forgeJoToken')) {
+ publishing {
+ repositories {
+ maven {
+ url 'https://xbib.org/api/packages/joerg/maven'
+ credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
+ name = "Authorization"
+ value = "token ${project.property('forgeJoToken')}"
+ }
+ authentication {
+ header(HttpHeaderAuthentication)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/gradle/publish/ivy.gradle b/gradle/publish/ivy.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe0a848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/publish/ivy.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+apply plugin: 'ivy-publish'
+publishing {
+ repositories {
+ ivy {
+ url = "https://xbib.org/repo"
+ }
+ }
+ publications {
+ ivy(IvyPublication) {
+ from components.java
+ descriptor {
+ license {
+ name = 'The Apache License, Version 2.0'
+ url = 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'
+ }
+ author {
+ name = 'Jörg Prante'
+ url = 'http://example.com/users/jane'
+ }
+ descriptor.description {
+ text = rootProject.ext.description
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gradle/publishing/publication.gradle b/gradle/publish/maven.gradle
similarity index 72%
rename from gradle/publishing/publication.gradle
rename to gradle/publish/maven.gradle
index eead1e0..ce6a26f 100644
--- a/gradle/publishing/publication.gradle
+++ b/gradle/publish/maven.gradle
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
-import java.time.Duration
-apply plugin: "de.marcphilipp.nexus-publish"
publishing {
publications {
- mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
+ "${project.name}"(MavenPublication) {
from components.java
- artifact sourcesJar
- artifact javadocJar
pom {
+ artifactId = project.name
name = project.name
description = rootProject.ext.description
url = rootProject.ext.url
@@ -50,19 +46,6 @@ publishing {
if (project.hasProperty("signing.keyId")) {
apply plugin: 'signing'
signing {
- sign publishing.publications.mavenJava
+ sign publishing.publications."${project.name}"
-if (project.hasProperty('ossrhUsername')) {
- nexusPublishing {
- repositories {
- sonatype {
- username = project.property('ossrhUsername')
- password = project.property('ossrhPassword')
- packageGroup = "org.xbib"
- }
- }
- clientTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(600)
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gradle/publish/sonatype.gradle b/gradle/publish/sonatype.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d739de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/publish/sonatype.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if (project.hasProperty('ossrhUsername') && project.hasProperty('ossrhPassword')) {
+ nexusPublishing {
+ repositories {
+ sonatype {
+ username = project.property('ossrhUsername')
+ password = project.property('ossrhPassword')
+ packageGroup = "org.xbib"
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/gradle/publishing/sonatype.gradle b/gradle/publishing/sonatype.gradle
deleted file mode 100644
index e1813f3..0000000
--- a/gradle/publishing/sonatype.gradle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-if (project.hasProperty('ossrhUsername') && project.hasProperty('ossrhPassword')) {
- apply plugin: 'io.codearte.nexus-staging'
- nexusStaging {
- username = project.property('ossrhUsername')
- password = project.property('ossrhPassword')
- packageGroup = "org.xbib"
- }
diff --git a/gradle/quality/checkstyle.gradle b/gradle/quality/checkstyle.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b8bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/checkstyle.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
+tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
+ ignoreFailures = true
+ reports {
+ xml.getRequired().set(true)
+ html.getRequired().set(true)
+ }
+checkstyle {
+ configFile = rootProject.file('gradle/quality/checkstyle.xml')
+ ignoreFailures = true
+ showViolations = true
+ checkstyleMain {
+ source = sourceSets.main.allSource
+ }
diff --git a/gradle/quality/checkstyle.xml b/gradle/quality/checkstyle.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a9aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/checkstyle.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
diff --git a/gradle/quality/cyclonedx.gradle b/gradle/quality/cyclonedx.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bf41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/cyclonedx.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cyclonedxBom {
+ includeConfigs = [ 'runtimeClasspath' ]
+ skipConfigs = [ 'compileClasspath', 'testCompileClasspath' ]
+ projectType = "library"
+ schemaVersion = "1.4"
+ destination = file("build/reports")
+ outputName = "bom"
+ outputFormat = "json"
+ includeBomSerialNumber = true
+ componentVersion = "2.0.0"
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd.gradle b/gradle/quality/pmd.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55fcfda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+apply plugin: 'pmd'
+tasks.withType(Pmd) {
+ ignoreFailures = true
+ reports {
+ xml.getRequired().set(true)
+ html.getRequired().set(true)
+ }
+pmd {
+ ignoreFailures = true
+ consoleOutput = false
+ toolVersion = "6.51.0"
+ ruleSetFiles = rootProject.files('gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/bestpractices.xml')
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/bestpractices.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/bestpractices.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf15a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/bestpractices.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1650 @@
+ Rules which enforce generally accepted best practices.
+ The abstract class does not contain any abstract methods. An abstract class suggests
+ an incomplete implementation, which is to be completed by subclasses implementing the
+ abstract methods. If the class is intended to be used as a base class only (not to be instantiated
+ directly) a protected constructor can be provided prevent direct instantiation.
+ 3
+ Instantiation by way of private constructors from outside of the constructor's class often causes the
+ generation of an accessor. A factory method, or non-privatization of the constructor can eliminate this
+ situation. The generated class file is actually an interface. It gives the accessing class the ability
+ to invoke a new hidden package scope constructor that takes the interface as a supplementary parameter.
+ This turns a private constructor effectively into one with package scope, and is challenging to discern.
+ 3
+ When accessing a private field / method from another class, the Java compiler will generate a accessor methods
+ with package-private visibility. This adds overhead, and to the dex method count on Android. This situation can
+ be avoided by changing the visibility of the field / method from private to package-private.
+ 3
+ Constructors and methods receiving arrays should clone objects and store the copy.
+ This prevents future changes from the user from affecting the original array.
+ 3
+ Avoid printStackTrace(); use a logger call instead.
+ 3
+ Reassigning loop variables can lead to hard-to-find bugs. Prevent or limit how these variables can be changed.
+ In foreach-loops, configured by the `foreachReassign` property:
+ - `deny`: Report any reassignment of the loop variable in the loop body. _This is the default._
+ - `allow`: Don't check the loop variable.
+ - `firstOnly`: Report any reassignments of the loop variable, except as the first statement in the loop body.
+ _This is useful if some kind of normalization or clean-up of the value before using is permitted, but any other change of the variable is not._
+ In for-loops, configured by the `forReassign` property:
+ - `deny`: Report any reassignment of the control variable in the loop body. _This is the default._
+ - `allow`: Don't check the control variable.
+ - `skip`: Report any reassignments of the control variable, except conditional increments/decrements (`++`, `--`, `+=`, `-=`).
+ _This prevents accidental reassignments or unconditional increments of the control variable._
+ 3
+ Reassigning values to incoming parameters is not recommended. Use temporary local variables instead.
+ 2
+ StringBuffers/StringBuilders can grow considerably, and so may become a source of memory leaks
+ if held within objects with long lifetimes.
+ 3
+ Application with hard-coded IP addresses can become impossible to deploy in some cases.
+ Externalizing IP adresses is preferable.
+ 3
+ Always check the return values of navigation methods (next, previous, first, last) of a ResultSet.
+ If the value return is 'false', it should be handled properly.
+ 3
+ Avoid constants in interfaces. Interfaces should define types, constants are implementation details
+ better placed in classes or enums. See Effective Java, item 19.
+ 3
+ By convention, the default label should be the last label in a switch statement.
+ 3
+ Reports loops that can be safely replaced with the foreach syntax. The rule considers loops over
+ lists, arrays and iterators. A loop is safe to replace if it only uses the index variable to
+ access an element of the list or array, only has one update statement, and loops through *every*
+ element of the list or array left to right.
+ 3
+ l) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { // pre Java 1.5
+ System.out.println(l.get(i));
+ }
+ for (String s : l) { // post Java 1.5
+ System.out.println(s);
+ }
+ }
+ Having a lot of control variables in a 'for' loop makes it harder to see what range of values
+ the loop iterates over. By default this rule allows a regular 'for' loop with only one variable.
+ 3
+ //ForInit/LocalVariableDeclaration[count(VariableDeclarator) > $maximumVariables]
+ Whenever using a log level, one should check if the loglevel is actually enabled, or
+ otherwise skip the associate String creation and manipulation.
+ 2
+ In JUnit 3, test suites are indicated by the suite() method. In JUnit 4, suites are indicated
+ through the @RunWith(Suite.class) annotation.
+ 3
+ In JUnit 3, the tearDown method was used to clean up all data entities required in running tests.
+ JUnit 4 skips the tearDown method and executes all methods annotated with @After after running each test.
+ JUnit 5 introduced @AfterEach and @AfterAll annotations to execute methods after each test or after all tests in the class, respectively.
+ 3
+ In JUnit 3, the setUp method was used to set up all data entities required in running tests.
+ JUnit 4 skips the setUp method and executes all methods annotated with @Before before all tests.
+ JUnit 5 introduced @BeforeEach and @BeforeAll annotations to execute methods before each test or before all tests in the class, respectively.
+ 3
+ In JUnit 3, the framework executed all methods which started with the word test as a unit test.
+ In JUnit 4, only methods annotated with the @Test annotation are executed.
+ In JUnit 5, one of the following annotations should be used for tests: @Test, @RepeatedTest, @TestFactory, @TestTemplate or @ParameterizedTest.
+ 3
+ JUnit assertions should include an informative message - i.e., use the three-argument version of
+ assertEquals(), not the two-argument version.
+ 3
+ Unit tests should not contain too many asserts. Many asserts are indicative of a complex test, for which
+ it is harder to verify correctness. Consider breaking the test scenario into multiple, shorter test scenarios.
+ Customize the maximum number of assertions used by this Rule to suit your needs.
+ This rule checks for JUnit4, JUnit5 and TestNG Tests, as well as methods starting with "test".
+ 3
+ $maximumAsserts]
+ JUnit tests should include at least one assertion. This makes the tests more robust, and using assert
+ with messages provide the developer a clearer idea of what the test does.
+ 3
+ In JUnit4, use the @Test(expected) annotation to denote tests that should throw exceptions.
+ 3
+ The use of implementation types (i.e., HashSet) as object references limits your ability to use alternate
+ implementations in the future as requirements change. Whenever available, referencing objects
+ by their interface types (i.e, Set) provides much more flexibility.
+ 3
+ list = new ArrayList<>();
+ public HashSet getFoo() {
+ return new HashSet();
+ }
+ // preferred approach
+ private List list = new ArrayList<>();
+ public Set getFoo() {
+ return new HashSet();
+ }
+ Exposing internal arrays to the caller violates object encapsulation since elements can be
+ removed or replaced outside of the object that owns it. It is safer to return a copy of the array.
+ 3
+ Annotating overridden methods with @Override ensures at compile time that
+ the method really overrides one, which helps refactoring and clarifies intent.
+ 3
+ Java allows the use of several variables declaration of the same type on one line. However, it
+ can lead to quite messy code. This rule looks for several declarations on the same line.
+ 4
+ 1]
+ [$strictMode or count(distinct-values(VariableDeclarator/@BeginLine)) != count(VariableDeclarator)]
+ [count(VariableDeclarator) > 1]
+ [$strictMode or count(distinct-values(VariableDeclarator/@BeginLine)) != count(VariableDeclarator)]
+ Position literals first in comparisons, if the second argument is null then NullPointerExceptions
+ can be avoided, they will just return false.
+ 3
+ Position literals first in comparisons, if the second argument is null then NullPointerExceptions
+ can be avoided, they will just return false.
+ 3
+ Throwing a new exception from a catch block without passing the original exception into the
+ new exception will cause the original stack trace to be lost making it difficult to debug
+ effectively.
+ 3
+ Consider replacing Enumeration usages with the newer java.util.Iterator
+ 3
+ Consider replacing Hashtable usage with the newer java.util.Map if thread safety is not required.
+ 3
+ //Type/ReferenceType/ClassOrInterfaceType[@Image='Hashtable']
+ Consider replacing Vector usages with the newer java.util.ArrayList if expensive thread-safe operations are not required.
+ 3
+ //Type/ReferenceType/ClassOrInterfaceType[@Image='Vector']
+ All switch statements should include a default option to catch any unspecified values.
+ 3
+ References to System.(out|err).print are usually intended for debugging purposes and can remain in
+ the codebase even in production code. By using a logger one can enable/disable this behaviour at
+ will (and by priority) and avoid clogging the Standard out log.
+ 2
+ Avoid passing parameters to methods or constructors without actually referencing them in the method body.
+ 3
+ Avoid unused import statements to prevent unwanted dependencies.
+ This rule will also find unused on demand imports, i.e. import com.foo.*.
+ 4
+ Detects when a local variable is declared and/or assigned, but not used.
+ 3
+ Detects when a private field is declared and/or assigned a value, but not used.
+ 3
+ Unused Private Method detects when a private method is declared but is unused.
+ 3
+ This rule detects JUnit assertions in object equality. These assertions should be made by more specific methods, like assertEquals.
+ 3
+ This rule detects JUnit assertions in object references equality. These assertions should be made by
+ more specific methods, like assertNull, assertNotNull.
+ 3
+ This rule detects JUnit assertions in object references equality. These assertions should be made
+ by more specific methods, like assertSame, assertNotSame.
+ 3
+ When asserting a value is the same as a literal or Boxed boolean, use assertTrue/assertFalse, instead of assertEquals.
+ 3
+ The isEmpty() method on java.util.Collection is provided to determine if a collection has any elements.
+ Comparing the value of size() to 0 does not convey intent as well as the isEmpty() method.
+ 3
+ Java 7 introduced the try-with-resources statement. This statement ensures that each resource is closed at the end
+ of the statement. It avoids the need of explicitly closing the resources in a finally block. Additionally exceptions
+ are better handled: If an exception occurred both in the `try` block and `finally` block, then the exception from
+ the try block was suppressed. With the `try`-with-resources statement, the exception thrown from the try-block is
+ preserved.
+ 3
+ Java 5 introduced the varargs parameter declaration for methods and constructors. This syntactic
+ sugar provides flexibility for users of these methods and constructors, allowing them to avoid
+ having to deal with the creation of an array.
+ 4
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/categories.properties b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/categories.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef5eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/categories.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ category/java/bestpractices.xml,\
+ category/java/codestyle.xml,\
+ category/java/design.xml,\
+ category/java/documentation.xml,\
+ category/java/errorprone.xml,\
+ category/java/multithreading.xml,\
+ category/java/performance.xml,\
+ category/java/security.xml
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/codestyle.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/codestyle.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..186ea4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/codestyle.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2176 @@
+ Rules which enforce a specific coding style.
+ Abstract classes should be named 'AbstractXXX'.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by {% rule java/codestyle/ClassNamingConventions %}.
+ 3
+ 3
+ Avoid using dollar signs in variable/method/class/interface names.
+ 3
+ Avoid using final local variables, turn them into fields.
+ 3
+ Prefixing parameters by 'in' or 'out' pollutes the name of the parameters and reduces code readability.
+ To indicate whether or not a parameter will be modify in a method, its better to document method
+ behavior with Javadoc.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the more general rule {% rule java/codestyle/FormalParameterNamingConventions %}.
+ 4
+ Do not use protected fields in final classes since they cannot be subclassed.
+ Clarify your intent by using private or package access modifiers instead.
+ 3
+ Do not use protected methods in most final classes since they cannot be subclassed. This should
+ only be allowed in final classes that extend other classes with protected methods (whose
+ visibility cannot be reduced). Clarify your intent by using private or package access modifiers instead.
+ 3
+ Unnecessary reliance on Java Native Interface (JNI) calls directly reduces application portability
+ and increases the maintenance burden.
+ 2
+ //Name[starts-with(@Image,'System.loadLibrary')]
+ Methods that return boolean results should be named as predicate statements to denote this.
+ I.e, 'isReady()', 'hasValues()', 'canCommit()', 'willFail()', etc. Avoid the use of the 'get'
+ prefix for these methods.
+ 4
+ It is a good practice to call super() in a constructor. If super() is not called but
+ another constructor (such as an overloaded constructor) is called, this rule will not report it.
+ 3
+ 0 ]
+ /ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration
+ /ConstructorDeclaration[ count (.//ExplicitConstructorInvocation)=0 ]
+ Configurable naming conventions for type declarations. This rule reports
+ type declarations which do not match the regex that applies to their
+ specific kind (e.g. enum or interface). Each regex can be configured through
+ properties.
+ By default this rule uses the standard Java naming convention (Pascal case),
+ and reports utility class names not ending with 'Util'.
+ 1
+ Avoid negation within an "if" expression with an "else" clause. For example, rephrase:
+ `if (x != y) diff(); else same();` as: `if (x == y) same(); else diff();`.
+ Most "if (x != y)" cases without an "else" are often return cases, so consistent use of this
+ rule makes the code easier to read. Also, this resolves trivial ordering problems, such
+ as "does the error case go first?" or "does the common case go first?".
+ 3
+ Enforce a policy for braces on control statements. It is recommended to use braces on 'if ... else'
+ statements and loop statements, even if they are optional. This usually makes the code clearer, and
+ helps prepare the future when you need to add another statement. That said, this rule lets you control
+ which statements are required to have braces via properties.
+ From 6.2.0 on, this rule supersedes WhileLoopMustUseBraces, ForLoopMustUseBraces, IfStmtMustUseBraces,
+ and IfElseStmtMustUseBraces.
+ 3
+ 1
+ or (some $stmt (: in only the block statements until the next label :)
+ in following-sibling::BlockStatement except following-sibling::SwitchLabel[1]/following-sibling::BlockStatement
+ satisfies not($stmt/Statement/Block))]
+ ]]>
+ Use explicit scoping instead of accidental usage of default package private level.
+ The rule allows methods and fields annotated with Guava's @VisibleForTesting.
+ 3
+ Avoid importing anything from the package 'java.lang'. These classes are automatically imported (JLS 7.5.3).
+ 4
+ Duplicate or overlapping import statements should be avoided.
+ 4
+ Empty or auto-generated methods in an abstract class should be tagged as abstract. This helps to remove their inapproprate
+ usage by developers who should be implementing their own versions in the concrete subclasses.
+ 1
+ No need to explicitly extend Object.
+ 4
+ Fields should be declared at the top of the class, before any method declarations, constructors, initializers or inner classes.
+ 3
+ Configurable naming conventions for field declarations. This rule reports variable declarations
+ which do not match the regex that applies to their specific kind ---e.g. constants (static final),
+ enum constant, final field. Each regex can be configured through properties.
+ By default this rule uses the standard Java naming convention (Camel case), and uses the ALL_UPPER
+ convention for constants and enum constants.
+ 1
+ Some for loops can be simplified to while loops, this makes them more concise.
+ 3
+ Avoid using 'for' statements without using curly braces. If the code formatting or
+ indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being controlled
+ from the rest.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/codestyle/ControlStatementBraces %}.
+ 3
+ //ForStatement[not(Statement/Block)]
+ Configurable naming conventions for formal parameters of methods and lambdas.
+ This rule reports formal parameters which do not match the regex that applies to their
+ specific kind (e.g. lambda parameter, or final formal parameter). Each regex can be
+ configured through properties.
+ By default this rule uses the standard Java naming convention (Camel case).
+ 1
+ lambda1 = s_str -> { };
+ // lambda parameters with an explicit type can be configured separately
+ Consumer lambda1 = (String str) -> { };
+ }
+ }
+ ]]>
+ Names for references to generic values should be limited to a single uppercase letter.
+ 4
+ 1
+ or
+ string:upper-case(@Image) != @Image
+ extends BaseDao {
+ // This is ok...
+public interface GenericDao {
+ // Also this
+public interface GenericDao {
+ // 'e' should be an 'E'
+public interface GenericDao {
+ // 'EF' is not ok.
+ Identical `catch` branches use up vertical space and increase the complexity of code without
+ adding functionality. It's better style to collapse identical branches into a single multi-catch
+ branch.
+ 3
+ Avoid using if..else statements without using surrounding braces. If the code formatting
+ or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being controlled
+ from the rest.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/codestyle/ControlStatementBraces %}.
+ 3
+ Avoid using if statements without using braces to surround the code block. If the code
+ formatting or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being
+ controlled from the rest.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/codestyle/ControlStatementBraces %}.
+ 3
+ This rule finds Linguistic Naming Antipatterns. It checks for fields, that are named, as if they should
+ be boolean but have a different type. It also checks for methods, that according to their name, should
+ return a boolean, but don't. Further, it checks, that getters return something and setters won't.
+ Finally, it checks that methods, that start with "to" - so called transform methods - actually return
+ something, since according to their name, they should convert or transform one object into another.
+ There is additionally an option, to check for methods that contain "To" in their name - which are
+ also transform methods. However, this is disabled by default, since this detection is prone to
+ false positives.
+ For more information, see [Linguistic Antipatterns - What They Are and How
+ Developers Perceive Them](https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-014-9350-8).
+ 3
+ The Local Home interface of a Session EJB should be suffixed by 'LocalHome'.
+ 4
+ The Local Interface of a Session EJB should be suffixed by 'Local'.
+ 4
+ A local variable assigned only once can be declared final.
+ 3
+ Configurable naming conventions for local variable declarations and other locally-scoped
+ variables. This rule reports variable declarations which do not match the regex that applies to their
+ specific kind (e.g. final variable, or catch-clause parameter). Each regex can be configured through
+ properties.
+ By default this rule uses the standard Java naming convention (Camel case).
+ 1
+ Fields, formal arguments, or local variable names that are too long can make the code difficult to follow.
+ 3
+ $minimum]
+ The EJB Specification states that any MessageDrivenBean or SessionBean should be suffixed by 'Bean'.
+ 4
+ A method argument that is never re-assigned within the method can be declared final.
+ 3
+ Configurable naming conventions for method declarations. This rule reports
+ method declarations which do not match the regex that applies to their
+ specific kind (e.g. JUnit test or native method). Each regex can be
+ configured through properties.
+ By default this rule uses the standard Java naming convention (Camel case).
+ 1
+ Detects when a non-field has a name starting with 'm_'. This usually denotes a field and could be confusing.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the more general rule
+ {% rule java/codestyle/LocalVariableNamingConventions %}.
+ 3
+ Detects when a class or interface does not have a package definition.
+ 3
+ //ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration[count(preceding::PackageDeclaration) = 0]
+ Since Java 1.7, numeric literals can use underscores to separate digits. This rule enforces that
+ numeric literals above a certain length use these underscores to increase readability.
+ The rule only supports decimal (base 10) literals for now. The acceptable length under which literals
+ are not required to have underscores is configurable via a property. Even under that length, underscores
+ that are misplaced (not making groups of 3 digits) are reported.
+ 3
+ A method should have only one exit point, and that should be the last statement in the method.
+ 3
+ 0) {
+ return "hey"; // first exit
+ }
+ return "hi"; // second exit
+ }
+ Detects when a package definition contains uppercase characters.
+ 3
+ //PackageDeclaration/Name[lower-case(@Image)!=@Image]
+ Checks for variables that are defined before they might be used. A reference is deemed to be premature if it is created right before a block of code that doesn't use it that also has the ability to return or throw an exception.
+ 3
+ Remote Interface of a Session EJB should not have a suffix.
+ 4
+ A Remote Home interface type of a Session EJB should be suffixed by 'Home'.
+ 4
+ Short Classnames with fewer than e.g. five characters are not recommended.
+ 4
+ Method names that are very short are not helpful to the reader.
+ 3
+ Fields, local variables, or parameter names that are very short are not helpful to the reader.
+ 3
+ Field names using all uppercase characters - Sun's Java naming conventions indicating constants - should
+ be declared as final.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the more general rule {% rule java/codestyle/FieldNamingConventions %}.
+ 3
+ If you overuse the static import feature, it can make your program unreadable and
+ unmaintainable, polluting its namespace with all the static members you import.
+ Readers of your code (including you, a few months after you wrote it) will not know
+ which class a static member comes from (Sun 1.5 Language Guide).
+ 3
+ $maximumStaticImports]
+ Avoid the use of value in annotations when it's the only element.
+ 3
+ This rule detects when a constructor is not necessary; i.e., when there is only one constructor and the
+ constructor is identical to the default constructor. The default constructor should has same access
+ modifier as the declaring class. In an enum type, the default constructor is implicitly private.
+ 3
+ Import statements allow the use of non-fully qualified names. The use of a fully qualified name
+ which is covered by an import statement is redundant. Consider using the non-fully qualified name.
+ 4
+ Avoid the creation of unnecessary local variables
+ 3
+ Fields in interfaces and annotations are automatically `public static final`, and methods are `public abstract`.
+ Classes, interfaces or annotations nested in an interface or annotation are automatically `public static`
+ (all nested interfaces and annotations are automatically static).
+ Nested enums are automatically `static`.
+ For historical reasons, modifiers which are implied by the context are accepted by the compiler, but are superfluous.
+ 3
+ Avoid the use of unnecessary return statements.
+ 3
+ Use the diamond operator to let the type be inferred automatically. With the Diamond operator it is possible
+ to avoid duplication of the type parameters.
+ Instead, the compiler is now able to infer the parameter types for constructor calls,
+ which makes the code also more readable.
+ 3
+ strings = new ArrayList(); // unnecessary duplication of type parameters
+List stringsWithDiamond = new ArrayList<>(); // using the diamond operator is more concise
+ Useless parentheses should be removed.
+ 4
+ 1]
+ /PrimaryPrefix/Expression
+ [not(./CastExpression)]
+ [not(./ConditionalExpression)]
+ [not(./AdditiveExpression)]
+ [not(./AssignmentOperator)]
+ /PrimaryPrefix/Expression
+ count(*)=1 and
+ count(./CastExpression)=0 and
+ count(./EqualityExpression/MultiplicativeExpression)=0 and
+ count(./ConditionalExpression)=0 and
+ count(./ConditionalOrExpression)=0]
+ count(*)=1 and
+ not(./CastExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalExpression) and
+ not(./EqualityExpression/MultiplicativeExpression)]
+ count(*)=1 and
+ not(./CastExpression) and
+ not(./EqualityExpression)]
+ /PrimaryExpression[1]/PrimaryPrefix/Expression[
+ count(*)=1 and
+ not(./CastExpression) and
+ not(./AdditiveExpression[@Image = '-']) and
+ not(./ShiftExpression) and
+ not(./RelationalExpression) and
+ not(./InstanceOfExpression) and
+ not(./EqualityExpression) and
+ not(./AndExpression) and
+ not(./ExclusiveOrExpression) and
+ not(./InclusiveOrExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalAndExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalOrExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalExpression)]
+ count(*)=1 and
+ not(./CastExpression) and
+ not(./AndExpression) and
+ not(./InclusiveOrExpression) and
+ not(./ExclusiveOrExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalAndExpression) and
+ not(./ConditionalOrExpression) and
+ not(./EqualityExpression)]
+ Reports qualified this usages in the same class.
+ 3
+ A variable naming conventions rule - customize this to your liking. Currently, it
+ checks for final variables that should be fully capitalized and non-final variables
+ that should not include underscores.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the more general rules {% rule java/codestyle/FieldNamingConventions %},
+ {% rule java/codestyle/FormalParameterNamingConventions %}, and
+ {% rule java/codestyle/LocalVariableNamingConventions %}.
+ 1
+ Avoid using 'while' statements without using braces to surround the code block. If the code
+ formatting or indentation is lost then it becomes difficult to separate the code being
+ controlled from the rest.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/codestyle/ControlStatementBraces %}.
+ 3
+ //WhileStatement[not(Statement/Block)]
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/design.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/design.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded3d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/design.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1657 @@
+ Rules that help you discover design issues.
+ If an abstract class does not provides any methods, it may be acting as a simple data container
+ that is not meant to be instantiated. In this case, it is probably better to use a private or
+ protected constructor in order to prevent instantiation than make the class misleadingly abstract.
+ 1
+ Avoid catching generic exceptions such as NullPointerException, RuntimeException, Exception in try-catch block
+ 3
+ Avoid creating deeply nested if-then statements since they are harder to read and error-prone to maintain.
+ 3
+ y) {
+ if (y>z) {
+ if (z==x) {
+ // !! too deep
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Catch blocks that merely rethrow a caught exception only add to code size and runtime complexity.
+ 3
+ Catch blocks that merely rethrow a caught exception wrapped inside a new instance of the same type only add to
+ code size and runtime complexity.
+ 3
+ *Effective Java, 3rd Edition, Item 72: Favor the use of standard exceptions*
+>Arguably, every erroneous method invocation boils down to an illegal argument or state,
+but other exceptions are standardly used for certain kinds of illegal arguments and states.
+If a caller passes null in some parameter for which null values are prohibited, convention dictates that
+NullPointerException be thrown rather than IllegalArgumentException.
+To implement that, you are encouraged to use `java.util.Objects.requireNonNull()`
+(introduced in Java 1.7). This method is designed primarily for doing parameter
+validation in methods and constructors with multiple parameters.
+Your parameter validation could thus look like the following:
+public class Foo {
+ private String exampleValue;
+ void setExampleValue(String exampleValue) {
+ // check, throw and assignment in a single standard call
+ this.exampleValue = Objects.requireNonNull(exampleValue, "exampleValue must not be null!");
+ }
+ }
+ 1
+ Avoid throwing certain exception types. Rather than throw a raw RuntimeException, Throwable,
+ Exception, or Error, use a subclassed exception or error instead.
+ 1
+ A class with only private constructors should be final, unless the private constructor
+ is invoked by a inner class.
+ 1
+ = 1 ]
+[count(./ClassOrInterfaceBody/ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration/ConstructorDeclaration[(@Public = 'true') or (@Protected = 'true') or (@PackagePrivate = 'true')]) = 0 ]
+ Sometimes two consecutive 'if' statements can be consolidated by separating their conditions with a boolean short-circuit operator.
+ 3
+ This rule counts the number of unique attributes, local variables, and return types within an object.
+ A number higher than the specified threshold can indicate a high degree of coupling.
+ 3
+ = 10.
+Additionnally, classes with many methods of moderate complexity get reported as well once the total of their
+methods' complexities reaches 80, even if none of the methods was directly reported.
+Reported methods should be broken down into several smaller methods. Reported classes should probably be broken down
+into subcomponents.]]>
+ 3
+ Data Classes are simple data holders, which reveal most of their state, and
+ without complex functionality. The lack of functionality may indicate that
+ their behaviour is defined elsewhere, which is a sign of poor data-behaviour
+ proximity. By directly exposing their internals, Data Classes break encapsulation,
+ and therefore reduce the system's maintainability and understandability. Moreover,
+ classes tend to strongly rely on their data representation, which makes for a brittle
+ design.
+ Refactoring a Data Class should focus on restoring a good data-behaviour proximity. In
+ most cases, that means moving the operations defined on the data back into the class.
+ In some other cases it may make sense to remove entirely the class and move the data
+ into the former client classes.
+ 3
+ Errors are system exceptions. Do not extend them.
+ 3
+ Using Exceptions as form of flow control is not recommended as they obscure true exceptions when debugging.
+ Either add the necessary validation or use an alternate control structure.
+ 3
+ Excessive class file lengths are usually indications that the class may be burdened with excessive
+ responsibilities that could be provided by external classes or functions. In breaking these methods
+ apart the code becomes more manageable and ripe for reuse.
+ 3
+ A high number of imports can indicate a high degree of coupling within an object. This rule
+ counts the number of unique imports and reports a violation if the count is above the
+ user-specified threshold.
+ 3
+ When methods are excessively long this usually indicates that the method is doing more than its
+ name/signature might suggest. They also become challenging for others to digest since excessive
+ scrolling causes readers to lose focus.
+ Try to reduce the method length by creating helper methods and removing any copy/pasted code.
+ 3
+ Methods with numerous parameters are a challenge to maintain, especially if most of them share the
+ same datatype. These situations usually denote the need for new objects to wrap the numerous parameters.
+ 3
+ Classes with large numbers of public methods and attributes require disproportionate testing efforts
+ since combinational side effects grow rapidly and increase risk. Refactoring these classes into
+ smaller ones not only increases testability and reliability but also allows new variations to be
+ developed easily.
+ 3
+ If a final field is assigned to a compile-time constant, it could be made static, thus saving overhead
+ in each object at runtime.
+ 3
+ The God Class rule detects the God Class design flaw using metrics. God classes do too many things,
+ are very big and overly complex. They should be split apart to be more object-oriented.
+ The rule uses the detection strategy described in "Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice".
+ The violations are reported against the entire class.
+ See also the references:
+ Michele Lanza and Radu Marinescu. Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice:
+ Using Software Metrics to Characterize, Evaluate, and Improve the Design
+ of Object-Oriented Systems. Springer, Berlin, 1 edition, October 2006. Page 80.
+ 3
+ Identifies private fields whose values never change once object initialization ends either in the declaration
+ of the field or by a constructor. This helps in converting existing classes to becoming immutable ones.
+ 3
+ The Law of Demeter is a simple rule, that says "only talk to friends". It helps to reduce coupling between classes
+ or objects.
+ See also the references:
+ * Andrew Hunt, David Thomas, and Ward Cunningham. The Pragmatic Programmer. From Journeyman to Master. Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam, October 1999.;
+ * K.J. Lieberherr and I.M. Holland. Assuring good style for object-oriented programs. Software, IEEE, 6(5):38–48, 1989.;
+ * <http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lieber/LoD.html>
+ * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Demeter>
+ 3
+ Use opposite operator instead of negating the whole expression with a logic complement operator.
+ 3
+ =
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Avoid using classes from the configured package hierarchy outside of the package hierarchy,
+ except when using one of the configured allowed classes.
+ 3
+ Complexity directly affects maintenance costs is determined by the number of decision points in a method
+ plus one for the method entry. The decision points include 'if', 'while', 'for', and 'case labels' calls.
+ Generally, numbers ranging from 1-4 denote low complexity, 5-7 denote moderate complexity, 8-10 denote
+ high complexity, and 11+ is very high complexity. Modified complexity treats switch statements as a single
+ decision point.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/design/CyclomaticComplexity %}.
+ 3
+ This rule uses the NCSS (Non-Commenting Source Statements) algorithm to determine the number of lines
+ of code for a given constructor. NCSS ignores comments, and counts actual statements. Using this algorithm,
+ lines of code that are split are counted as one.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/design/NcssCount %}.
+ 3
+ This rule uses the NCSS (Non-Commenting Source Statements) metric to determine the number of lines
+ of code in a class, method or constructor. NCSS ignores comments, blank lines, and only counts actual
+ statements. For more details on the calculation, see the documentation of
+ the [NCSS metric](/pmd_java_metrics_index.html#non-commenting-source-statements-ncss).
+ 3
+ This rule uses the NCSS (Non-Commenting Source Statements) algorithm to determine the number of lines
+ of code for a given method. NCSS ignores comments, and counts actual statements. Using this algorithm,
+ lines of code that are split are counted as one.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/design/NcssCount %}.
+ 3
+ This rule uses the NCSS (Non-Commenting Source Statements) algorithm to determine the number of lines
+ of code for a given type. NCSS ignores comments, and counts actual statements. Using this algorithm,
+ lines of code that are split are counted as one.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/design/NcssCount %}.
+ 3
+ The NPath complexity of a method is the number of acyclic execution paths through that method.
+ While cyclomatic complexity counts the number of decision points in a method, NPath counts the number of
+ full paths from the beginning to the end of the block of the method. That metric grows exponentially, as
+ it multiplies the complexity of statements in the same block. For more details on the calculation, see the
+ documentation of the [NPath metric](/pmd_java_metrics_index.html#npath-complexity-npath).
+ A threshold of 200 is generally considered the point where measures should be taken to reduce
+ complexity and increase readability.
+ 3
+ A method/constructor shouldn't explicitly throw the generic java.lang.Exception, since it
+ is unclear which exceptions that can be thrown from the methods. It might be
+ difficult to document and understand such vague interfaces. Use either a class
+ derived from RuntimeException or a checked exception.
+ 3
+ 3
+ Avoid negation in an assertTrue or assertFalse test.
+ For example, rephrase:
+ assertTrue(!expr);
+ as:
+ assertFalse(expr);
+ 3
+ Avoid unnecessary comparisons in boolean expressions, they serve no purpose and impacts readability.
+ 3
+ Avoid unnecessary if-then-else statements when returning a boolean. The result of
+ the conditional test can be returned instead.
+ 3
+ No need to check for null before an instanceof; the instanceof keyword returns false when given a null argument.
+ 3
+ Fields whose scopes are limited to just single methods do not rely on the containing
+ object to provide them to other methods. They may be better implemented as local variables
+ within those methods.
+ 3
+ Complexity directly affects maintenance costs is determined by the number of decision points in a method
+ plus one for the method entry. The decision points include 'if', 'while', 'for', and 'case labels' calls.
+ Generally, numbers ranging from 1-4 denote low complexity, 5-7 denote moderate complexity, 8-10 denote
+ high complexity, and 11+ is very high complexity.
+ This rule is deprecated and will be removed with PMD 7.0.0. The rule is replaced
+ by the rule {% rule java/design/CyclomaticComplexity %}.
+ 3
+ A high ratio of statements to labels in a switch statement implies that the switch statement
+ is overloaded. Consider moving the statements into new methods or creating subclasses based
+ on the switch variable.
+ 3
+ Classes that have too many fields can become unwieldy and could be redesigned to have fewer fields,
+ possibly through grouping related fields in new objects. For example, a class with individual
+ city/state/zip fields could park them within a single Address field.
+ 3
+ A class with too many methods is probably a good suspect for refactoring, in order to reduce its
+ complexity and find a way to have more fine grained objects.
+ 3
+ $maxmethods
+ ]
+ The overriding method merely calls the same method defined in a superclass.
+ 3
+ When you write a public method, you should be thinking in terms of an API. If your method is public, it means other class
+ will use it, therefore, you want (or need) to offer a comprehensive and evolutive API. If you pass a lot of information
+ as a simple series of Strings, you may think of using an Object to represent all those information. You'll get a simpler
+ API (such as doWork(Workload workload), rather than a tedious series of Strings) and more importantly, if you need at some
+ point to pass extra data, you'll be able to do so by simply modifying or extending Workload without any modification to
+ your API.
+ 3
+ 3
+ For classes that only have static methods, consider making them utility classes.
+ Note that this doesn't apply to abstract classes, since their subclasses may
+ well include non-static methods. Also, if you want this class to be a utility class,
+ remember to add a private constructor to prevent instantiation.
+ (Note, that this use was known before PMD 5.1.0 as UseSingleton).
+ 3
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/documentation.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/documentation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34b351a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/documentation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ Rules that are related to code documentation.
+ Uncommented Empty Constructor finds instances where a constructor does not
+ contain statements, but there is no comment. By explicitly commenting empty
+ constructors it is easier to distinguish between intentional (commented)
+ and unintentional empty constructors.
+ 3
+ Uncommented Empty Method Body finds instances where a method body does not contain
+ statements, but there is no comment. By explicitly commenting empty method bodies
+ it is easier to distinguish between intentional (commented) and unintentional
+ empty methods.
+ 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/errorprone.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/errorprone.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ee4e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/errorprone.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3383 @@
+ Rules to detect constructs that are either broken, extremely confusing or prone to runtime errors.
+ Avoid assignments in operands; this can make code more complicated and harder to read.
+ 3
+ Identifies a possible unsafe usage of a static field.
+ 3
+ Methods such as getDeclaredConstructors(), getDeclaredConstructor(Class[]) and setAccessible(),
+ as the interface PrivilegedAction, allow for the runtime alteration of variable, class, or
+ method visibility, even if they are private. This violates the principle of encapsulation.
+ 3
+ Use of the term 'assert' will conflict with newer versions of Java since it is a reserved word.
+ 2
+ //VariableDeclaratorId[@Image='assert']
+ Using a branching statement as the last message of a loop may be a bug, and/or is confusing.
+ Ensure that the usage is not a bug, or consider using another approach.
+ 2
+ 25) {
+ break;
+ }
+ The method Object.finalize() is called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines
+ that there are no more references to the object. It should not be invoked by application logic.
+ Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
+ 3
+ Code should never throw NullPointerExceptions under normal circumstances. A catch block may hide the
+ original error, causing other, more subtle problems later on.
+ 3
+ Catching Throwable errors is not recommended since its scope is very broad. It includes runtime issues such as
+ OutOfMemoryError that should be exposed and managed separately.
+ 3
+ One might assume that the result of "new BigDecimal(0.1)" is exactly equal to 0.1, but it is actually
+ equal to .1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625.
+ This is because 0.1 cannot be represented exactly as a double (or as a binary fraction of any finite
+ length). Thus, the long value that is being passed in to the constructor is not exactly equal to 0.1,
+ appearances notwithstanding.
+ The (String) constructor, on the other hand, is perfectly predictable: 'new BigDecimal("0.1")' is
+ exactly equal to 0.1, as one would expect. Therefore, it is generally recommended that the
+ (String) constructor be used in preference to this one.
+ 3
+ Code containing duplicate String literals can usually be improved by declaring the String as a constant field.
+ 3
+ Use of the term 'enum' will conflict with newer versions of Java since it is a reserved word.
+ 2
+ //VariableDeclaratorId[@Image='enum']
+ It can be confusing to have a field name with the same name as a method. While this is permitted,
+ having information (field) and actions (method) is not clear naming. Developers versed in
+ Smalltalk often prefer this approach as the methods denote accessor methods.
+ 3
+ It is somewhat confusing to have a field name matching the declaring class name.
+ This probably means that type and/or field names should be chosen more carefully.
+ 3
+ Each caught exception type should be handled in its own catch clause.
+ 3
+ Avoid using hard-coded literals in conditional statements. By declaring them as static variables
+ or private members with descriptive names maintainability is enhanced. By default, the literals "-1" and "0" are ignored.
+ More exceptions can be defined with the property "ignoreMagicNumbers".
+ 3
+ = 0) { } // alternative approach
+ if (aDouble > 0.0) {} // magic number 0.0
+ if (aDouble >= Double.MIN_VALUE) {} // preferred approach
+ Statements in a catch block that invoke accessors on the exception without using the information
+ only add to code size. Either remove the invocation, or use the return result.
+ 2
+ The use of multiple unary operators may be problematic, and/or confusing.
+ Ensure that the intended usage is not a bug, or consider simplifying the expression.
+ 2
+ Integer literals should not start with zero since this denotes that the rest of literal will be
+ interpreted as an octal value.
+ 3
+ Avoid equality comparisons with Double.NaN. Due to the implicit lack of representation
+ precision when comparing floating point numbers these are likely to cause logic errors.
+ 3
+ The null check is broken since it will throw a NullPointerException itself.
+ It is likely that you used || instead of && or vice versa.
+ 2
+ Super should be called at the start of the method
+ 3
+ Super should be called at the end of the method
+ 3
+ The skip() method may skip a smaller number of bytes than requested. Check the returned value to find out if it was the case or not.
+ 3
+ When deriving an array of a specific class from your Collection, one should provide an array of
+ the same class as the parameter of the toArray() method. Doing otherwise you will will result
+ in a ClassCastException.
+ 3
+ The java Manual says "By convention, classes that implement this interface should override
+ Object.clone (which is protected) with a public method."
+ 3
+ The method clone() should only be implemented if the class implements the Cloneable interface with the exception of
+ a final method that only throws CloneNotSupportedException.
+ The rule can also detect, if the class implements or extends a Cloneable class.
+ 3
+ If a class implements cloneable the return type of the method clone() must be the class name. That way, the caller
+ of the clone method doesn't need to cast the returned clone to the correct type.
+ Note: This is only possible with Java 1.5 or higher.
+ 3
+ The method clone() should throw a CloneNotSupportedException.
+ 3
+ Ensure that resources (like Connection, Statement, and ResultSet objects) are always closed after use.
+ 3
+ Use equals() to compare object references; avoid comparing them with ==.
+ 3
+ Calling overridable methods during construction poses a risk of invoking methods on an incompletely
+ constructed object and can be difficult to debug.
+ It may leave the sub-class unable to construct its superclass or forced to replicate the construction
+ process completely within itself, losing the ability to call super(). If the default constructor
+ contains a call to an overridable method, the subclass may be completely uninstantiable. Note that
+ this includes method calls throughout the control flow graph - i.e., if a constructor Foo() calls a
+ private method bar() that calls a public method buz(), this denotes a problem.
+ 1
+ The dataflow analysis tracks local definitions, undefinitions and references to variables on different paths on the data flow.
+ From those informations there can be found various problems.
+ 1. UR - Anomaly: There is a reference to a variable that was not defined before. This is a bug and leads to an error.
+ 2. DU - Anomaly: A recently defined variable is undefined. These anomalies may appear in normal source text.
+ 3. DD - Anomaly: A recently defined variable is redefined. This is ominous but don't have to be a bug.
+ 5
+ dd-anomaly
+ foo(buz);
+ buz = 2;
+} // buz is undefined when leaving scope -> du-anomaly
+ Calls to System.gc(), Runtime.getRuntime().gc(), and System.runFinalization() are not advised. Code should have the
+ same behavior whether the garbage collection is disabled using the option -Xdisableexplicitgc or not.
+ Moreover, "modern" jvms do a very good job handling garbage collections. If memory usage issues unrelated to memory
+ leaks develop within an application, it should be dealt with JVM options rather than within the code itself.
+ 2
+ Web applications should not call System.exit(), since only the web container or the
+ application server should stop the JVM. This rule also checks for the equivalent call Runtime.getRuntime().exit().
+ 3
+ Extend Exception or RuntimeException instead of Throwable.
+ 3
+ Use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() instead of "/sdcard"
+ 3
+ //Literal[starts-with(@Image,'"/sdcard')]
+ Throwing exceptions within a 'finally' block is confusing since they may mask other exceptions
+ or code defects.
+ Note: This is a PMD implementation of the Lint4j rule "A throw in a finally block"
+ 4
+ //FinallyStatement[descendant::ThrowStatement]
+ Avoid importing anything from the 'sun.*' packages. These packages are not portable and are likely to change.
+ 4
+ Don't use floating point for loop indices. If you must use floating point, use double
+ unless you're certain that float provides enough precision and you have a compelling
+ performance need (space or time).
+ 3
+ Empty Catch Block finds instances where an exception is caught, but nothing is done.
+ In most circumstances, this swallows an exception which should either be acted on
+ or reported.
+ 3
+ Empty finalize methods serve no purpose and should be removed. Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
+ 3
+ Empty finally blocks serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
+ Empty If Statement finds instances where a condition is checked but nothing is done about it.
+ 3
+ Empty initializers serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
+ //Initializer/Block[count(*)=0]
+ Empty block statements serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
+ //BlockStatement/Statement/Block[count(*) = 0]
+ An empty statement (or a semicolon by itself) that is not used as the sole body of a 'for'
+ or 'while' loop is probably a bug. It could also be a double semicolon, which has no purpose
+ and should be removed.
+ 3
+ Empty switch statements serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
+ //SwitchStatement[count(*) = 1]
+ Empty synchronized blocks serve no purpose and should be removed.
+ 3
+ //SynchronizedStatement/Block[1][count(*) = 0]
+ Avoid empty try blocks - what's the point?
+ 3
+ Empty While Statement finds all instances where a while statement does nothing.
+ If it is a timing loop, then you should use Thread.sleep() for it; if it is
+ a while loop that does a lot in the exit expression, rewrite it to make it clearer.
+ 3
+ Tests for null should not use the equals() method. The '==' operator should be used instead.
+ 1
+ If the finalize() is implemented, its last action should be to call super.finalize. Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
+ 3
+ If the finalize() is implemented, it should do something besides just calling super.finalize(). Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
+ 3
+ Methods named finalize() should not have parameters. It is confusing and most likely an attempt to
+ overload Object.finalize(). It will not be called by the VM.
+ Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
+ 3
+ 0]]
+ When overriding the finalize(), the new method should be set as protected. If made public,
+ other classes may invoke it at inappropriate times.
+ Note that Oracle has declared Object.finalize() as deprecated since JDK 9.
+ 3
+ Avoid idempotent operations - they have no effect.
+ 3
+ There is no need to import a type that lives in the same package.
+ 3
+ Avoid instantiating an object just to call getClass() on it; use the .class public member instead.
+ 4
+ Check for messages in slf4j loggers with non matching number of arguments and placeholders.
+ 5
+ Avoid jumbled loop incrementers - its usually a mistake, and is confusing even if intentional.
+ 3
+ Some JUnit framework methods are easy to misspell.
+ 3
+ The suite() method in a JUnit test needs to be both public and static.
+ 3
+ In most cases, the Logger reference can be declared as static and final.
+ 2
+ Non-constructor methods should not have the same name as the enclosing class.
+ 3
+ The null check here is misplaced. If the variable is null a NullPointerException will be thrown.
+ Either the check is useless (the variable will never be "null") or it is incorrect.
+ 3
+ Switch statements without break or return statements for each case option
+ may indicate problematic behaviour. Empty cases are ignored as these indicate an intentional fall-through.
+ 3
+ Serializable classes should provide a serialVersionUID field.
+ The serialVersionUID field is also needed for abstract base classes. Each individual class in the inheritance
+ chain needs an own serialVersionUID field. See also [Should an abstract class have a serialVersionUID](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/893259/should-an-abstract-class-have-a-serialversionuid).
+ 3
+ A class that has private constructors and does not have any static methods or fields cannot be used.
+ 3
+ Normally only one logger is used in each class.
+ 2
+ A non-case label (e.g. a named break/continue label) was present in a switch statement.
+ This legal, but confusing. It is easy to mix up the case labels and the non-case labels.
+ 3
+ //SwitchStatement//BlockStatement/Statement/LabeledStatement
+ A non-static initializer block will be called any time a constructor is invoked (just prior to
+ invoking the constructor). While this is a valid language construct, it is rarely used and is
+ confusing.
+ 3
+ Assigning a "null" to a variable (outside of its declaration) is usually bad form. Sometimes, this type
+ of assignment is an indication that the programmer doesn't completely understand what is going on in the code.
+ NOTE: This sort of assignment may used in some cases to dereference objects and encourage garbage collection.
+ 3
+ Override both public boolean Object.equals(Object other), and public int Object.hashCode(), or override neither. Even if you are inheriting a hashCode() from a parent class, consider implementing hashCode and explicitly delegating to your superclass.
+ 3
+ Object clone() should be implemented with super.clone().
+ 2
+ 0
+ A logger should normally be defined private static final and be associated with the correct class.
+ Private final Log log; is also allowed for rare cases where loggers need to be passed around,
+ with the restriction that the logger needs to be passed into the constructor.
+ 3
+ For any method that returns an array, it is a better to return an empty array rather than a
+ null reference. This removes the need for null checking all results and avoids inadvertent
+ NullPointerExceptions.
+ 1
+ Avoid returning from a finally block, this can discard exceptions.
+ 3
+ //FinallyStatement//ReturnStatement except //FinallyStatement//(MethodDeclaration|LambdaExpression)//ReturnStatement
+ Be sure to specify a Locale when creating SimpleDateFormat instances to ensure that locale-appropriate
+ formatting is used.
+ 3
+ Some classes contain overloaded getInstance. The problem with overloaded getInstance methods
+ is that the instance created using the overloaded method is not cached and so,
+ for each call and new objects will be created for every invocation.
+ 2
+ Some classes contain overloaded getInstance. The problem with overloaded getInstance methods
+ is that the instance created using the overloaded method is not cached and so,
+ for each call and new objects will be created for every invocation.
+ 2
+ According to the J2EE specification, an EJB should not have any static fields
+ with write access. However, static read-only fields are allowed. This ensures proper
+ behavior especially when instances are distributed by the container on several JREs.
+ 3
+ Individual character values provided as initialization arguments will be converted into integers.
+ This can lead to internal buffer sizes that are larger than expected. Some examples:
+ ```
+ new StringBuffer() // 16
+ new StringBuffer(6) // 6
+ new StringBuffer("hello world") // 11 + 16 = 27
+ new StringBuffer('A') // chr(A) = 65
+ new StringBuffer("A") // 1 + 16 = 17
+ new StringBuilder() // 16
+ new StringBuilder(6) // 6
+ new StringBuilder("hello world") // 11 + 16 = 27
+ new StringBuilder('C') // chr(C) = 67
+ new StringBuilder("A") // 1 + 16 = 17
+ ```
+ 4
+ The method name and parameter number are suspiciously close to equals(Object), which can denote an
+ intention to override the equals(Object) method.
+ 2
+ The method name and return type are suspiciously close to hashCode(), which may denote an intention
+ to override the hashCode() method.
+ 3
+ A suspicious octal escape sequence was found inside a String literal.
+ The Java language specification (section 3.10.6) says an octal
+ escape sequence inside a literal String shall consist of a backslash
+ followed by:
+ OctalDigit | OctalDigit OctalDigit | ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit
+ Any octal escape sequence followed by non-octal digits can be confusing,
+ e.g. "\038" is interpreted as the octal escape sequence "\03" followed by
+ the literal character "8".
+ 3
+ Test classes end with the suffix Test. Having a non-test class with that name is not a good practice,
+ since most people will assume it is a test case. Test classes have test methods named testXXX.
+ 3
+ Do not use "if" statements whose conditionals are always true or always false.
+ 3
+ A JUnit test assertion with a boolean literal is unnecessary since it always will evaluate to the same thing.
+ Consider using flow control (in case of assertTrue(false) or similar) or simply removing
+ statements like assertTrue(true) and assertFalse(false). If you just want a test to halt after finding
+ an error, use the fail() method and provide an indication message of why it did.
+ 3
+ Using equalsIgnoreCase() is faster than using toUpperCase/toLowerCase().equals()
+ 3
+ Avoid the use temporary objects when converting primitives to Strings. Use the static conversion methods
+ on the wrapper classes instead.
+ 3
+ After checking an object reference for null, you should invoke equals() on that object rather than passing it to another object's equals() method.
+ 3
+ To make sure the full stacktrace is printed out, use the logging statement with two arguments: a String and a Throwable.
+ 3
+ Using '==' or '!=' to compare strings only works if intern version is used on both sides.
+ Use the equals() method instead.
+ 3
+ An operation on an Immutable object (String, BigDecimal or BigInteger) won't change the object itself
+ since the result of the operation is a new object. Therefore, ignoring the operation result is an error.
+ 3
+ When doing String.toLowerCase()/toUpperCase() conversions, use Locales to avoids problems with languages that
+ have unusual conventions, i.e. Turkish.
+ 3
+ In J2EE, the getClassLoader() method might not work as expected. Use
+ Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() instead.
+ 3
+ //PrimarySuffix[@Image='getClassLoader']
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/multithreading.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/multithreading.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3e8327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/multithreading.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ Rules that flag issues when dealing with multiple threads of execution.
+ Method-level synchronization can cause problems when new code is added to the method.
+ Block-level synchronization helps to ensure that only the code that needs synchronization
+ gets it.
+ 3
+ //MethodDeclaration[@Synchronized='true']
+ Avoid using java.lang.ThreadGroup; although it is intended to be used in a threaded environment
+ it contains methods that are not thread-safe.
+ 3
+ Use of the keyword 'volatile' is generally used to fine tune a Java application, and therefore, requires
+ a good expertise of the Java Memory Model. Moreover, its range of action is somewhat misknown. Therefore,
+ the volatile keyword should not be used for maintenance purpose and portability.
+ 2
+ //FieldDeclaration[contains(@Volatile,'true')]
+ The J2EE specification explicitly forbids the use of threads.
+ 3
+ //ClassOrInterfaceType[@Image = 'Thread' or @Image = 'Runnable']
+ Explicitly calling Thread.run() method will execute in the caller's thread of control. Instead, call Thread.start() for the intended behavior.
+ 4
+ Partially created objects can be returned by the Double Checked Locking pattern when used in Java.
+ An optimizing JRE may assign a reference to the baz variable before it calls the constructor of the object the
+ reference points to.
+ Note: With Java 5, you can make Double checked locking work, if you declare the variable to be `volatile`.
+ For more details refer to: <http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-02-2001/jw-0209-double.html>
+ or <http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/DoubleCheckedLocking.html>
+ 1
+ Non-thread safe singletons can result in bad state changes. Eliminate
+ static singletons if possible by instantiating the object directly. Static
+ singletons are usually not needed as only a single instance exists anyway.
+ Other possible fixes are to synchronize the entire method or to use an
+ [initialize-on-demand holder class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization-on-demand_holder_idiom).
+ Refrain from using the double-checked locking pattern. The Java Memory Model doesn't
+ guarantee it to work unless the variable is declared as `volatile`, adding an uneeded
+ performance penalty. [Reference](http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/DoubleCheckedLocking.html)
+ See Effective Java, item 48.
+ 3
+ SimpleDateFormat instances are not synchronized. Sun recommends using separate format instances
+ for each thread. If multiple threads must access a static formatter, the formatter must be
+ synchronized either on method or block level.
+ This rule has been deprecated in favor of the rule {% rule UnsynchronizedStaticFormatter %}.
+ 3
+ Instances of `java.text.Format` are generally not synchronized.
+ Sun recommends using separate format instances for each thread.
+ If multiple threads must access a static formatter, the formatter must be
+ synchronized either on method or block level.
+ 3
+ Since Java5 brought a new implementation of the Map designed for multi-threaded access, you can
+ perform efficient map reads without blocking other threads.
+ 3
+ Thread.notify() awakens a thread monitoring the object. If more than one thread is monitoring, then only
+ one is chosen. The thread chosen is arbitrary; thus its usually safer to call notifyAll() instead.
+ 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/performance.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/performance.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce2d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/performance.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@
+ Rules that flag suboptimal code.
+ The conversion of literals to strings by concatenating them with empty strings is inefficient.
+ It is much better to use one of the type-specific toString() methods instead.
+ 3
+ Avoid concatenating characters as strings in StringBuffer/StringBuilder.append methods.
+ 3
+ Instead of manually copying data between two arrays, use the efficient Arrays.copyOf or System.arraycopy method instead.
+ 3
+ The FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes contains a finalizer method which will cause garbage
+ collection pauses.
+ See [JDK-8080225](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8080225) for details.
+ The FileReader and FileWriter constructors instantiate FileInputStream and FileOutputStream,
+ again causing garbage collection issues while finalizer methods are called.
+ * Use `Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(fileName))` instead of `new FileInputStream(fileName)`.
+ * Use `Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(fileName))` instead of `new FileOutputStream(fileName)`.
+ * Use `Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(fileName))` instead of `new FileReader(fileName)`.
+ * Use `Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(fileName))` instead of `new FileWriter(fileName)`.
+ Please note, that the `java.nio` API does not throw a `FileNotFoundException` anymore, instead
+ it throws a `NoSuchFileException`. If your code dealt explicitly with a `FileNotFoundException`,
+ then this needs to be adjusted. Both exceptions are subclasses of `IOException`, so catching
+ that one covers both.
+ 1
+ New objects created within loops should be checked to see if they can created outside them and reused.
+ 3
+ Java uses the 'short' type to reduce memory usage, not to optimize calculation. In fact, the JVM does not have any
+ arithmetic capabilities for the short type: the JVM must convert the short into an int, do the proper calculation
+ and convert the int back to a short. Thus any storage gains found through use of the 'short' type may be offset by
+ adverse impacts on performance.
+ 1
+ Don't create instances of already existing BigInteger (BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ONE) and
+ for Java 1.5 onwards, BigInteger.TEN and BigDecimal (BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.TEN)
+ 3
+ Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; you can reference Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, or call Boolean.valueOf() instead.
+ Note that new Boolean() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
+ 2
+ Calling new Byte() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Byte.valueOf().
+ It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
+ Note that new Byte() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
+ 2
+ Consecutive calls to StringBuffer/StringBuilder .append should be chained, reusing the target object. This can improve the performance
+ by producing a smaller bytecode, reducing overhead and improving inlining. A complete analysis can be found [here](https://github.com/pmd/pmd/issues/202#issuecomment-274349067)
+ 3
+ Consecutively calling StringBuffer/StringBuilder.append(...) with literals should be avoided.
+ Since the literals are constants, they can already be combined into a single String literal and this String
+ can be appended in a single method call.
+ 3
+ 3
+ 0) {
+ doSomething();
+ }
+ Avoid concatenating non-literals in a StringBuffer constructor or append() since intermediate buffers will
+ need to be be created and destroyed by the JVM.
+ 3
+ Failing to pre-size a StringBuffer or StringBuilder properly could cause it to re-size many times
+ during runtime. This rule attempts to determine the total number the characters that are actually
+ passed into StringBuffer.append(), but represents a best guess "worst case" scenario. An empty
+ StringBuffer/StringBuilder constructor initializes the object to 16 characters. This default
+ is assumed if the length of the constructor can not be determined.
+ 3
+ Calling new Integer() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Integer.valueOf().
+ It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
+ Note that new Integer() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
+ 2
+ Calling new Long() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Long.valueOf().
+ It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
+ Note that new Long() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
+ 2
+ Calls to a collection's `toArray(E[])` method should specify a target array of zero size. This allows the JVM
+ to optimize the memory allocation and copying as much as possible.
+ Previous versions of this rule (pre PMD 6.0.0) suggested the opposite, but current JVM implementations
+ perform always better, when they have full control over the target array. And allocation an array via
+ reflection is nowadays as fast as the direct allocation.
+ See also [Arrays of Wisdom of the Ancients](https://shipilev.net/blog/2016/arrays-wisdom-ancients/)
+ Note: If you don't need an array of the correct type, then the simple `toArray()` method without an array
+ is faster, but returns only an array of type `Object[]`.
+ 3
+ foos = getFoos();
+// much better; this one allows the jvm to allocate an array of the correct size and effectively skip
+// the zeroing, since each array element will be overridden anyways
+Foo[] fooArray = foos.toArray(new Foo[0]);
+// inefficient, the array needs to be zeroed out by the jvm before it is handed over to the toArray method
+Foo[] fooArray = foos.toArray(new Foo[foos.size()]);
+ Java will initialize fields with known default values so any explicit initialization of those same defaults
+ is redundant and results in a larger class file (approximately three additional bytecode instructions per field).
+ 3
+ Since it passes in a literal of length 1, calls to (string).startsWith can be rewritten using (string).charAt(0)
+ at the expense of some readability.
+ 3
+ Calling new Short() causes memory allocation that can be avoided by the static Short.valueOf().
+ It makes use of an internal cache that recycles earlier instances making it more memory efficient.
+ Note that new Short() is deprecated since JDK 9 for that reason.
+ 2
+ Avoid instantiating String objects; this is usually unnecessary since they are immutable and can be safely shared.
+ 2
+ Avoid calling toString() on objects already known to be string instances; this is unnecessary.
+ 3
+ Switch statements are intended to be used to support complex branching behaviour. Using a switch for only a few
+ cases is ill-advised, since switches are not as easy to understand as if-then statements. In these cases use the
+ if-then statement to increase code readability.
+ 3
+ Most wrapper classes provide static conversion methods that avoid the need to create intermediate objects
+ just to create the primitive forms. Using these avoids the cost of creating objects that also need to be
+ garbage-collected later.
+ 3
+ ArrayList is a much better Collection implementation than Vector if thread-safe operation is not required.
+ 3
+ 0]
+ //AllocationExpression/ClassOrInterfaceType
+ [@Image='Vector' or @Image='java.util.Vector']
+ (Arrays.asList(...)) if that is inconvenient for you (e.g. because of concurrent access).
+ 3
+ l= new ArrayList<>(100);
+ for (int i=0; i< 100; i++) {
+ l.add(ints[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i< 100; i++) {
+ l.add(a[i].toString()); // won't trigger the rule
+ }
+ }
+ Use String.indexOf(char) when checking for the index of a single character; it executes faster.
+ 3
+ No need to call String.valueOf to append to a string; just use the valueOf() argument directly.
+ 3
+ The use of the '+=' operator for appending strings causes the JVM to create and use an internal StringBuffer.
+ If a non-trivial number of these concatenations are being used then the explicit use of a StringBuilder or
+ threadsafe StringBuffer is recommended to avoid this.
+ 3
+ Use StringBuffer.length() to determine StringBuffer length rather than using StringBuffer.toString().equals("")
+ or StringBuffer.toString().length() == ...
+ 3
diff --git a/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/security.xml b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/security.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbad352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/pmd/category/java/security.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Rules that flag potential security flaws.
+ Do not use hard coded values for cryptographic operations. Please store keys outside of source code.
+ 3
+ Do not use hard coded initialization vector in cryptographic operations. Please use a randomly generated IV.
+ 3
diff --git a/gradle/quality/sonarqube.gradle b/gradle/quality/sonarqube.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe66cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/sonarqube.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+subprojects {
+ sonarqube {
+ properties {
+ property "sonar.projectName", "${project.group} ${project.name}"
+ property "sonar.sourceEncoding", "UTF-8"
+ property "sonar.tests", "src/test/java"
+ property "sonar.scm.provider", "git"
+ property "sonar.junit.reportsPath", "build/test-results/test/"
+ }
+ }
+ tasks.withType(Pmd) {
+ ignoreFailures = true
+ reports {
+ xml.enabled = true
+ html.enabled = true
+ }
+ }
+ spotbugs {
+ effort = "max"
+ reportLevel = "low"
+ //includeFilter = file("findbugs-exclude.xml")
+ }
+ tasks.withType(com.github.spotbugs.SpotBugsTask) {
+ ignoreFailures = true
+ reports {
+ xml.enabled = false
+ html.enabled = true
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gradle/quality/spotbugs.gradle b/gradle/quality/spotbugs.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5b0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/quality/spotbugs.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+apply plugin: 'com.github.spotbugs'
+spotbugs {
+ effort = "max"
+ reportLevel = "low"
+ ignoreFailures = true
+spotbugsMain {
+ reports {
+ xml.getRequired().set(false)
+ html.getRequired().set(true)
+ }
diff --git a/gradle/repositories/maven.gradle b/gradle/repositories/maven.gradle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec58acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gradle/repositories/maven.gradle
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+repositories {
+ mavenLocal()
+ mavenCentral()
diff --git a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
index 8fad3f5..1f017e4 100644
--- a/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
+++ b/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/settings.gradle b/settings.gradle
index e64c063..241ece5 100644
--- a/settings.gradle
+++ b/settings.gradle
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ pluginManagement {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
versionCatalogs {
libs {
- version('gradle', '7.5.1')
+ version('gradle', '8.1.1')
version('junit', '5.9.2')
version('junit4', '4.13.2')
- version('groovy', '4.0.11')
+ version('groovy', '4.0.12')
version('spock', '2.4-M1-groovy-4.0')
- version('content', '5.0.2')
+ version('content', '5.0.3')
library('junit-jupiter-api', 'org.junit.jupiter', 'junit-jupiter-api').versionRef('junit')
library('junit-jupiter-params', 'org.junit.jupiter', 'junit-jupiter-params').versionRef('junit')
library('junit-jupiter-engine', 'org.junit.jupiter', 'junit-jupiter-engine').versionRef('junit')