update forgejo repo

This commit is contained in:
Jörg Prante 2023-05-24 17:20:26 +02:00
parent 8d82acba36
commit 6d96e91f94
2 changed files with 22 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ wrapper {
ext {
user = 'jprante'
user = 'joerg'
name = 'groovy-extensions'
description = 'Groovy extensions'
inceptionYear = '2021'
url = 'https://github.com/' + user + '/' + name
scmUrl = 'https://github.com/' + user + '/' + name
scmConnection = 'scm:git:git://github.com/' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
scmDeveloperConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
url = 'https://xbib.org/' + user + '/' + name
scmUrl = 'https://xbib.org/' + user + '/' + name
scmConnection = 'scm:git:git://xbib.org/' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
scmDeveloperConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://forgejo@xbib.org:' + user + '/' + name + '.git'
issueManagementSystem = 'Github'
issueManagementUrl = ext.scmUrl + '/issues'
licenseName = 'The Apache License, Version 2.0'
@ -37,4 +37,5 @@ subprojects {
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/repositories/maven.gradle')
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish/maven.gradle')
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish/forgejo.gradle')
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/publish/sonatype.gradle')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
if (project.hasProperty('forgeJoToken')) {
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://xbib.org/api/packages/joerg/maven'
credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
name = "Authorization"
value = "token ${project.property('forgeJoToken')}"
authentication {