873 lines
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873 lines
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package com.google.inject.multibindings;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.inject.Binder;
import com.google.inject.Binding;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Injector;
import com.google.inject.Key;
import com.google.inject.Module;
import com.google.inject.Provider;
import com.google.inject.TypeLiteral;
import com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder;
import com.google.inject.internal.Errors;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.Indexer.IndexedBinding;
import com.google.inject.multibindings.Multibinder.RealMultibinder;
import com.google.inject.spi.BindingTargetVisitor;
import com.google.inject.spi.Dependency;
import com.google.inject.spi.Element;
import com.google.inject.spi.HasDependencies;
import com.google.inject.spi.ProviderInstanceBinding;
import com.google.inject.spi.ProviderLookup;
import com.google.inject.spi.ProviderWithDependencies;
import com.google.inject.spi.ProviderWithExtensionVisitor;
import com.google.inject.spi.Toolable;
import com.google.inject.util.Types;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.google.inject.multibindings.Element.Type.MAPBINDER;
import static com.google.inject.multibindings.Multibinder.checkConfiguration;
import static com.google.inject.multibindings.Multibinder.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.inject.multibindings.Multibinder.setOf;
import static com.google.inject.util.Types.newParameterizedType;
import static com.google.inject.util.Types.newParameterizedTypeWithOwner;
* An API to bind multiple map entries separately, only to later inject them as
* a complete map. MapBinder is intended for use in your application's module:
* <pre><code>
* public class SnacksModule extends AbstractModule {
* protected void configure() {
* MapBinder<String, Snack> mapbinder
* = MapBinder.newMapBinder(binder(), String.class, Snack.class);
* mapbinder.addBinding("twix").toInstance(new Twix());
* mapbinder.addBinding("snickers").toProvider(SnickersProvider.class);
* mapbinder.addBinding("skittles").to(Skittles.class);
* }
* }</code></pre>
* <p>With this binding, a {@link Map}{@code <String, Snack>} can now be
* injected:
* <pre><code>
* class SnackMachine {
* {@literal @}Inject
* public SnackMachine(Map<String, Snack> snacks) { ... }
* }</code></pre>
* <p>In addition to binding {@code Map<K, V>}, a mapbinder will also bind
* {@code Map<K, Provider<V>>} for lazy value provision:
* <pre><code>
* class SnackMachine {
* {@literal @}Inject
* public SnackMachine(Map<String, Provider<Snack>> snackProviders) { ... }
* }</code></pre>
* <p>Contributing mapbindings from different modules is supported. For example,
* it is okay to have both {@code CandyModule} and {@code ChipsModule} both
* create their own {@code MapBinder<String, Snack>}, and to each contribute
* bindings to the snacks map. When that map is injected, it will contain
* entries from both modules.
* <p>The map's iteration order is consistent with the binding order. This is
* convenient when multiple elements are contributed by the same module because
* that module can order its bindings appropriately. Avoid relying on the
* iteration order of elements contributed by different modules, since there is
* no equivalent mechanism to order modules.
* <p>The map is unmodifiable. Elements can only be added to the map by
* configuring the MapBinder. Elements can never be removed from the map.
* <p>Values are resolved at map injection time. If a value is bound to a
* provider, that provider's get method will be called each time the map is
* injected (unless the binding is also scoped, or a map of providers is injected).
* <p>Annotations are used to create different maps of the same key/value
* type. Each distinct annotation gets its own independent map.
* <p><strong>Keys must be distinct.</strong> If the same key is bound more than
* once, map injection will fail. However, use {@link #permitDuplicates()} in
* order to allow duplicate keys; extra bindings to {@code Map<K, Set<V>>} and
* {@code Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>} will be added.
* <p><strong>Keys must be non-null.</strong> {@code addBinding(null)} will
* throw an unchecked exception.
* <p><strong>Values must be non-null to use map injection.</strong> If any
* value is null, map injection will fail (although injecting a map of providers
* will not).
public abstract class MapBinder<K, V> {
private MapBinder() {
* Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of {@code keyType}/{@code valueType} in a
* {@link Map} that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
public static <K, V> MapBinder<K, V> newMapBinder(Binder binder,
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType) {
binder = binder.skipSources(MapBinder.class, RealMapBinder.class);
return newRealMapBinder(binder, keyType, valueType, Key.get(mapOf(keyType, valueType)),
Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder, entryOfProviderOf(keyType, valueType)));
* Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of {@code keyType}/{@code valueType} in a
* {@link Map} that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
public static <K, V> MapBinder<K, V> newMapBinder(Binder binder,
Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType) {
return newMapBinder(binder, TypeLiteral.get(keyType), TypeLiteral.get(valueType));
* Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of {@code keyType}/{@code valueType} in a
* {@link Map} that is itself bound with {@code annotation}.
public static <K, V> MapBinder<K, V> newMapBinder(Binder binder,
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType, Annotation annotation) {
binder = binder.skipSources(MapBinder.class, RealMapBinder.class);
return newRealMapBinder(binder, keyType, valueType,
Key.get(mapOf(keyType, valueType), annotation),
Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder, entryOfProviderOf(keyType, valueType), annotation));
* Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of {@code keyType}/{@code valueType} in a
* {@link Map} that is itself bound with {@code annotation}.
public static <K, V> MapBinder<K, V> newMapBinder(Binder binder,
Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, Annotation annotation) {
return newMapBinder(binder, TypeLiteral.get(keyType), TypeLiteral.get(valueType), annotation);
* Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of {@code keyType}/{@code valueType} in a
* {@link Map} that is itself bound with {@code annotationType}.
public static <K, V> MapBinder<K, V> newMapBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<K> keyType,
TypeLiteral<V> valueType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) {
binder = binder.skipSources(MapBinder.class, RealMapBinder.class);
return newRealMapBinder(binder, keyType, valueType,
Key.get(mapOf(keyType, valueType), annotationType),
Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder, entryOfProviderOf(keyType, valueType), annotationType));
* Returns a new mapbinder that collects entries of {@code keyType}/{@code valueType} in a
* {@link Map} that is itself bound with {@code annotationType}.
public static <K, V> MapBinder<K, V> newMapBinder(Binder binder, Class<K> keyType,
Class<V> valueType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) {
return newMapBinder(
binder, TypeLiteral.get(keyType), TypeLiteral.get(valueType), annotationType);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // a map of <K, V> is safely a Map<K, V>
static <K, V> TypeLiteral<Map<K, V>> mapOf(
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType) {
return (TypeLiteral<Map<K, V>>) TypeLiteral.get(
Types.mapOf(keyType.getType(), valueType.getType()));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // a provider map <K, V> is safely a Map<K, Provider<V>>
static <K, V> TypeLiteral<Map<K, Provider<V>>> mapOfProviderOf(
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType) {
return (TypeLiteral<Map<K, Provider<V>>>) TypeLiteral.get(
Types.mapOf(keyType.getType(), Types.providerOf(valueType.getType())));
// provider map <K, V> is safely a Map<K, javax.inject.Provider<V>>>
static <K, V> TypeLiteral<Map<K, javax.inject.Provider<V>>> mapOfJavaxProviderOf(
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType) {
return (TypeLiteral<Map<K, javax.inject.Provider<V>>>) TypeLiteral.get(
newParameterizedType(javax.inject.Provider.class, valueType.getType())));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // a provider map <K, Set<V>> is safely a Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>
static <K, V> TypeLiteral<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> mapOfSetOfProviderOf(
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType) {
return (TypeLiteral<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>>) TypeLiteral.get(
Types.mapOf(keyType.getType(), Types.setOf(Types.providerOf(valueType.getType()))));
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // a provider entry <K, V> is safely a Map.Entry<K, Provider<V>>
static <K, V> TypeLiteral<Entry<K, Provider<V>>> entryOfProviderOf(
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType) {
return (TypeLiteral<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>) TypeLiteral.get(newParameterizedTypeWithOwner(
Map.class, Entry.class, keyType.getType(), Types.providerOf(valueType.getType())));
// Note: We use valueTypeAndAnnotation effectively as a Pair<TypeLiteral, Annotation|Class>
// since it's an easy way to group a type and an optional annotation type or instance.
static <K, V> RealMapBinder<K, V> newRealMapBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<K> keyType,
Key<V> valueTypeAndAnnotation) {
binder = binder.skipSources(MapBinder.class, RealMapBinder.class);
TypeLiteral<V> valueType = valueTypeAndAnnotation.getTypeLiteral();
return newRealMapBinder(binder, keyType, valueType,
valueTypeAndAnnotation.ofType(mapOf(keyType, valueType)),
valueTypeAndAnnotation.ofType(entryOfProviderOf(keyType, valueType))));
private static <K, V> RealMapBinder<K, V> newRealMapBinder(Binder binder,
TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType, Key<Map<K, V>> mapKey,
Multibinder<Entry<K, Provider<V>>> entrySetBinder) {
RealMapBinder<K, V> mapBinder =
new RealMapBinder<K, V>(binder, keyType, valueType, mapKey, entrySetBinder);
return mapBinder;
* Configures the {@code MapBinder} to handle duplicate entries.
* <p>When multiple equal keys are bound, the value that gets included in the map is
* arbitrary.
* <p>In addition to the {@code Map<K, V>} and {@code Map<K, Provider<V>>}
* maps that are normally bound, a {@code Map<K, Set<V>>} and
* {@code Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>} are <em>also</em> bound, which contain
* all values bound to each key.
* <p>
* When multiple modules contribute elements to the map, this configuration
* option impacts all of them.
* @return this map binder
public abstract MapBinder<K, V> permitDuplicates();
* Returns a binding builder used to add a new entry in the map. Each
* key must be distinct (and non-null). Bound providers will be evaluated each
* time the map is injected.
* <p>It is an error to call this method without also calling one of the
* {@code to} methods on the returned binding builder.
* <p>Scoping elements independently is supported. Use the {@code in} method
* to specify a binding scope.
public abstract LinkedBindingBuilder<V> addBinding(K key);
* The actual mapbinder plays several roles:
* <p>As a MapBinder, it acts as a factory for LinkedBindingBuilders for
* each of the map's values. It delegates to a {@link Multibinder} of
* entries (keys to value providers).
* <p>As a Module, it installs the binding to the map itself, as well as to
* a corresponding map whose values are providers. It uses the entry set
* multibinder to construct the map and the provider map.
* <p>As a module, this implements equals() and hashcode() in order to trick
* Guice into executing its configure() method only once. That makes it so
* that multiple mapbinders can be created for the same target map, but
* only one is bound. Since the list of bindings is retrieved from the
* injector itself (and not the mapbinder), each mapbinder has access to
* all contributions from all equivalent mapbinders.
* <p>Rather than binding a single Map.Entry<K, V>, the map binder
* binds keys and values independently. This allows the values to be properly
* scoped.
* <p>We use a subclass to hide 'implements Module' from the public API.
static final class RealMapBinder<K, V> extends MapBinder<K, V> implements Module {
private final TypeLiteral<K> keyType;
private final TypeLiteral<V> valueType;
private final Key<Map<K, V>> mapKey;
private final Key<Map<K, javax.inject.Provider<V>>> javaxProviderMapKey;
private final Key<Map<K, Provider<V>>> providerMapKey;
private final Key<Map<K, Set<V>>> multimapKey;
private final Key<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> providerMultimapKey;
private final RealMultibinder<Entry<K, Provider<V>>> entrySetBinder;
private final Map<K, String> duplicateKeyErrorMessages;
/* the target injector's binder. non-null until initialization, null afterwards */
private Binder binder;
private boolean permitDuplicates;
private ImmutableList<Entry<K, Binding<V>>> mapBindings;
private RealMapBinder(Binder binder, TypeLiteral<K> keyType, TypeLiteral<V> valueType,
Key<Map<K, V>> mapKey, Multibinder<Entry<K, Provider<V>>> entrySetBinder) {
this.keyType = keyType;
this.valueType = valueType;
this.mapKey = mapKey;
this.providerMapKey = mapKey.ofType(mapOfProviderOf(keyType, valueType));
this.javaxProviderMapKey = mapKey.ofType(mapOfJavaxProviderOf(keyType, valueType));
this.multimapKey = mapKey.ofType(mapOf(keyType, setOf(valueType)));
this.providerMultimapKey = mapKey.ofType(mapOfSetOfProviderOf(keyType, valueType));
this.entrySetBinder = (RealMultibinder<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>) entrySetBinder;
this.binder = binder;
this.duplicateKeyErrorMessages = Maps.newHashMap();
* Sets the error message to be shown if the key had duplicate non-equal bindings.
void updateDuplicateKeyMessage(K k, String errMsg) {
duplicateKeyErrorMessages.put(k, errMsg);
public MapBinder<K, V> permitDuplicates() {
binder.install(new MultimapBinder<K, V>(
multimapKey, providerMultimapKey, entrySetBinder.getSetKey()));
return this;
Key<V> getKeyForNewValue(K key) {
checkNotNull(key, "key");
checkConfiguration(!isInitialized(), "MapBinder was already initialized");
Key<V> valueKey = Key.get(valueType,
new RealElement(entrySetBinder.getSetName(), MAPBINDER, keyType.toString()));
entrySetBinder.addBinding().toProvider(new ProviderMapEntry<K, V>(
key, binder.getProvider(valueKey), valueKey));
return valueKey;
* This creates two bindings. One for the {@code Map.Entry<K, Provider<V>>}
* and another for {@code V}.
public LinkedBindingBuilder<V> addBinding(K key) {
return binder.bind(getKeyForNewValue(key));
public void configure(Binder binder) {
checkConfiguration(!isInitialized(), "MapBinder was already initialized");
ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies
= ImmutableSet.<Dependency<?>>of(Dependency.get(entrySetBinder.getSetKey()));
// Binds a Map<K, Provider<V>> from a collection of Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>.
Provider<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetProvider = binder
new RealProviderMapProvider(dependencies, entrySetProvider));
// The map this exposes is internally an ImmutableMap, so it's OK to massage
// the guice Provider to javax Provider in the value (since Guice provider
// implements javax Provider).
Key massagedProviderMapKey = (Key) providerMapKey;
Provider<Map<K, Provider<V>>> mapProvider = binder.getProvider(providerMapKey);
binder.bind(mapKey).toProvider(new RealMapProvider(dependencies, mapProvider));
boolean containsElement(Element element) {
if (entrySetBinder.containsElement(element)) {
return true;
} else {
Key<?> key;
if (element instanceof Binding) {
key = ((Binding<?>) element).getKey();
} else if (element instanceof ProviderLookup) {
key = ((ProviderLookup<?>) element).getKey();
} else {
return false; // cannot match;
return key.equals(mapKey)
|| key.equals(providerMapKey)
|| key.equals(javaxProviderMapKey)
|| key.equals(multimapKey)
|| key.equals(providerMultimapKey)
|| key.equals(entrySetBinder.getSetKey())
|| matchesValueKey(key);
* Returns true if the key indicates this is a value in the map.
private boolean matchesValueKey(Key<?> key) {
return key.getAnnotation() instanceof RealElement
&& ((RealElement) key.getAnnotation()).setName().equals(entrySetBinder.getSetName())
&& ((RealElement) key.getAnnotation()).type() == MAPBINDER
&& ((RealElement) key.getAnnotation()).keyType().equals(keyType.toString())
&& key.getTypeLiteral().equals(valueType);
private boolean isInitialized() {
return binder == null;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof RealMapBinder
&& ((RealMapBinder<?, ?>) o).mapKey.equals(mapKey);
public int hashCode() {
return mapKey.hashCode();
private Multimap<K, String> newLinkedKeyArrayValueMultimap() {
return Multimaps.newListMultimap(
new LinkedHashMap<K, Collection<String>>(),
new Supplier<List<String>>() {
public List<String> get() {
return Lists.newArrayList();
* Binds {@code Map<K, Set<V>>} and {{@code Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>}.
static final class MultimapBinder<K, V> implements Module {
private final Key<Map<K, Set<V>>> multimapKey;
private final Key<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> providerMultimapKey;
private final Key<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetKey;
public MultimapBinder(
Key<Map<K, Set<V>>> multimapKey,
Key<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> providerMultimapKey,
Key<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetKey) {
this.multimapKey = multimapKey;
this.providerMultimapKey = providerMultimapKey;
this.entrySetKey = entrySetKey;
public void configure(Binder binder) {
ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies
= ImmutableSet.<Dependency<?>>of(Dependency.get(entrySetKey));
Provider<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetProvider =
// Binds a Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>> from a collection of Map<Entry<K, Provider<V>> if
// permitDuplicates was called.
new RealProviderMultimapProvider(dependencies, entrySetProvider));
Provider<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> multimapProvider =
new RealMultimapProvider(dependencies, multimapProvider));
public int hashCode() {
return multimapKey.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof MultimapBinder
&& ((MultimapBinder<?, ?>) o).multimapKey.equals(multimapKey);
final class RealProviderMultimapProvider
extends RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> {
private final ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies;
private final Provider<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetProvider;
private Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>> providerMultimap;
private RealProviderMultimapProvider(ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies,
Provider<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetProvider) {
this.dependencies = dependencies;
this.entrySetProvider = entrySetProvider;
void initialize(Injector injector) {
Map<K, ImmutableSet.Builder<Provider<V>>> providerMultimapMutable =
new LinkedHashMap<K, ImmutableSet.Builder<Provider<V>>>();
for (Entry<K, Provider<V>> entry : entrySetProvider.get()) {
if (!providerMultimapMutable.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
entry.getKey(), ImmutableSet.<Provider<V>>builder());
ImmutableMap.Builder<K, Set<Provider<V>>> providerMultimapBuilder =
for (Entry<K, ImmutableSet.Builder<Provider<V>>> entry
: providerMultimapMutable.entrySet()) {
providerMultimapBuilder.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().build());
providerMultimap = providerMultimapBuilder.build();
public Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>> get() {
return providerMultimap;
public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return dependencies;
final class RealMultimapProvider
extends RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies<Map<K, Set<V>>> {
private final ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies;
private final Provider<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> multimapProvider;
ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies,
Provider<Map<K, Set<Provider<V>>>> multimapProvider) {
this.dependencies = dependencies;
this.multimapProvider = multimapProvider;
public Map<K, Set<V>> get() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<K, Set<V>> multimapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Entry<K, Set<Provider<V>>> entry : multimapProvider.get().entrySet()) {
K key = entry.getKey();
ImmutableSet.Builder<V> valuesBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (Provider<V> valueProvider : entry.getValue()) {
V value = valueProvider.get();
checkConfiguration(value != null,
"Multimap injection failed due to null value for key \"%s\"", key);
multimapBuilder.put(key, valuesBuilder.build());
return multimapBuilder.build();
public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return dependencies;
static final class ValueProvider<V> implements Provider<V> {
private final Provider<V> delegate;
private final Binding<V> binding;
ValueProvider(Provider<V> delegate, Binding<V> binding) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.binding = binding;
public V get() {
return delegate.get();
public Binding<V> getValueBinding() {
return binding;
* A Provider that Map.Entry that is also a Provider. The key is the entry in the
* map this corresponds to and the value is the provider of the user's binding.
* This returns itself as the Provider.get value.
static final class ProviderMapEntry<K, V> implements
ProviderWithDependencies<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>, Entry<K, Provider<V>> {
private final K key;
private final Provider<V> provider;
private final Key<V> valueKey;
private ProviderMapEntry(K key, Provider<V> provider, Key<V> valueKey) {
this.key = key;
this.provider = provider;
this.valueKey = valueKey;
public Entry<K, Provider<V>> get() {
return this;
public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return ((HasDependencies) provider).getDependencies();
public Key<V> getValueKey() {
return valueKey;
public K getKey() {
return key;
public Provider<V> getValue() {
return provider;
public Provider<V> setValue(Provider<V> value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Entry) {
Entry o = (Entry) obj;
return Objects.equal(key, o.getKey())
&& Objects.equal(provider, o.getValue());
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return key.hashCode() ^ provider.hashCode();
public String toString() {
return "ProviderMapEntry(" + key + ", " + provider + ")";
private static abstract class RealMapWithExtensionProvider<T>
extends RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies<T>
implements ProviderWithExtensionVisitor<T>, MapBinderBinding<T> {
public RealMapWithExtensionProvider(Object equality) {
* A base class for ProviderWithDependencies that need equality
* based on a specific object.
private static abstract class RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies<T> implements ProviderWithDependencies<T> {
private final Object equality;
public RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies(Object equality) {
this.equality = equality;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return this.getClass() == obj.getClass() &&
equality.equals(((RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies<?>) obj).equality);
public int hashCode() {
return equality.hashCode();
final class RealProviderMapProvider
extends RealMapBinderProviderWithDependencies<Map<K, Provider<V>>> {
private final ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies;
private final Provider<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetProvider;
private Map<K, Provider<V>> providerMap;
private RealProviderMapProvider(
ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies,
Provider<Set<Entry<K, Provider<V>>>> entrySetProvider) {
this.dependencies = dependencies;
this.entrySetProvider = entrySetProvider;
void initialize(Injector injector) {
RealMapBinder.this.binder = null;
permitDuplicates = entrySetBinder.permitsDuplicates(injector);
Map<K, Provider<V>> providerMapMutable = new LinkedHashMap<K, Provider<V>>();
List<Entry<K, Binding<V>>> bindingsMutable = Lists.newArrayList();
Indexer indexer = new Indexer(injector);
Multimap<K, IndexedBinding> index = HashMultimap.create();
Set<K> duplicateKeys = null;
for (Entry<K, Provider<V>> entry : entrySetProvider.get()) {
ProviderMapEntry<K, V> providerEntry = (ProviderMapEntry<K, V>) entry;
Key<V> valueKey = providerEntry.getValueKey();
Binding<V> valueBinding = injector.getBinding(valueKey);
// If this isn't a dup due to an exact same binding, add it.
if (index.put(providerEntry.getKey(), valueBinding.acceptTargetVisitor(indexer))) {
Provider<V> previous = providerMapMutable.put(providerEntry.getKey(),
new ValueProvider<V>(providerEntry.getValue(), valueBinding));
if (previous != null && !permitDuplicates) {
if (duplicateKeys == null) {
duplicateKeys = Sets.newHashSet();
bindingsMutable.add(Maps.immutableEntry(providerEntry.getKey(), valueBinding));
if (duplicateKeys != null) {
// Must use a ListMultimap in case more than one binding has the same source
// and is listed multiple times.
Multimap<K, String> dups = newLinkedKeyArrayValueMultimap();
for (Entry<K, Binding<V>> entry : bindingsMutable) {
if (duplicateKeys.contains(entry.getKey())) {
dups.put(entry.getKey(), "\t at " + Errors.convert(entry.getValue().getSource()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Map injection failed due to duplicated key ");
boolean first = true;
for (K key : dups.keySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
if (duplicateKeyErrorMessages.containsKey(key)) {
} else {
sb.append("\"" + key + "\", from bindings:\n");
} else {
if (duplicateKeyErrorMessages.containsKey(key)) {
sb.append("\n and " + duplicateKeyErrorMessages.get(key));
} else {
sb.append("\n and key: \"" + key + "\", from bindings:\n");
Joiner.on('\n').appendTo(sb, dups.get(key)).append("\n");
checkConfiguration(false, sb.toString());
providerMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(providerMapMutable);
mapBindings = ImmutableList.copyOf(bindingsMutable);
public Map<K, Provider<V>> get() {
return providerMap;
public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return dependencies;
final class RealMapProvider extends RealMapWithExtensionProvider<Map<K, V>> {
private final ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies;
private final Provider<Map<K, Provider<V>>> mapProvider;
private RealMapProvider(
ImmutableSet<Dependency<?>> dependencies,
Provider<Map<K, Provider<V>>> mapProvider) {
this.dependencies = dependencies;
this.mapProvider = mapProvider;
public Map<K, V> get() {
// We can initialize the internal table efficiently this way and then swap the values
// one by one.
Map<K, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<K, Object>(mapProvider.get());
for (Entry<K, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we initialized the entries with providers
ValueProvider<V> provider = (ValueProvider<V>) entry.getValue();
V value = provider.get();
checkConfiguration(value != null,
"Map injection failed due to null value for key \"%s\", bound at: %s",
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // if we exited the loop then we replaced all Providers
Map<K, V> typedMap = (Map<K, V>) map;
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(typedMap);
public Set<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return dependencies;
public <B, R> R acceptExtensionVisitor(BindingTargetVisitor<B, R> visitor,
ProviderInstanceBinding<? extends B> binding) {
if (visitor instanceof MultibindingsTargetVisitor) {
return ((MultibindingsTargetVisitor<Map<K, V>, R>) visitor).visit(this);
} else {
return visitor.visit(binding);
public Key<Map<K, V>> getMapKey() {
return mapKey;
public TypeLiteral<?> getKeyTypeLiteral() {
return keyType;
public TypeLiteral<?> getValueTypeLiteral() {
return valueType;
public List<Entry<?, Binding<?>>> getEntries() {
if (isInitialized()) {
return (List) mapBindings; // safe because mapBindings is immutable
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"getElements() not supported for module bindings");
public boolean permitsDuplicates() {
if (isInitialized()) {
return permitDuplicates;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"permitsDuplicates() not supported for module bindings");
public boolean containsElement(Element element) {
return RealMapBinder.this.containsElement(element);