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2016-11-23 23:51:10 +01:00
# xbib Jacc
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This is xbib Jacc, a derived work of Mark P. Jones' jacc project at http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/jacc/
jacc is a parser generator for Java that is closely modeled on Johnsons classic yacc parser generator for C.
What makes jacc different from other tools?
- Close syntactic compatibility with Johnsons classic yacc parser gen- erator for C (in so far as is possible given that the two tools target different languages)
- Semantic compatibility with yacc—jacc generates bottom-up/shift-reduce parsers for LALR(1) grammars with disambiguating rules
- A pure Java implementation that is portable and runs on many Java development platforms
- Modest additions to help users understand and debug generated parsers, including: a feature for tracing parser behavior on sample inputs and tests for LR(0) and SLR(1) conflicts
- A mechanism for generating syntax error messages from examples based on ideas described by Jeffery
- Generated parsers that use the technique described by Bhamidipaty and Proebsting for creating very fast yacc-compatible parsers by generating code instead of encoding the specifics of a particular parser in a set of tables as the classic yacc implementations normally do
xbib Jacc has the following extra features and modifications:
- build system is Gradle
- Java 8, compiles under JRE profile `compact1`
- removed HTML output
- added logging
- lots of fixes to conform to sonarqube rules
- junit tests
There is a Gradle plugin for jacc available at https://github.com/jprante/gradle-plugin-jacc