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* Copyright (c) 2014, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
package org.postgresql.hostchooser;
* Describes the required server type.
public enum HostRequirement {
any {
public boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status) {
return status != HostStatus.ConnectFail;
* @deprecated we no longer use the terms master or slave in the driver, or the PostgreSQL
* project.
master {
public boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status) {
return primary.allowConnectingTo(status);
primary {
public boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status) {
return status == HostStatus.Primary || status == HostStatus.ConnectOK;
secondary {
public boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status) {
return status == HostStatus.Secondary || status == HostStatus.ConnectOK;
preferSecondary {
public boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status) {
return status != HostStatus.ConnectFail;
preferPrimary {
public boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status) {
return status != HostStatus.ConnectFail;
* <p>The postgreSQL project has decided not to use the term slave to refer to alternate servers.
* secondary or standby is preferred. We have arbitrarily chosen secondary.
* As of Jan 2018 in order not to break existing code we are going to accept both slave or
* secondary for names of alternate servers.</p>
* <p>The current policy is to keep accepting this silently but not document slave, or slave preferSlave</p>
* <p>As of Jul 2018 silently deprecate the use of the word master as well</p>
* @param targetServerType the value of {@code targetServerType} connection property
* @return HostRequirement
public static HostRequirement getTargetServerType(String targetServerType) {
String allowSlave = targetServerType.replace("lave", "econdary").replace("master", "primary");
return valueOf(allowSlave);
public abstract boolean allowConnectingTo(HostStatus status);