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AbstractNode - Class in org.xbib.cql
This abstract node class is the base class for the CQL abstract syntax tree.
AbstractNode() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.AbstractNode
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.AbstractNode
Try to accept this node by a visitor.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.BooleanGroup
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
accept(Visitor) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Node
accept(Visitor) - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Identifier
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Index
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ModifierList
accept(Visitor) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Node
Accept a visitor on this node.
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.PrefixAssignment
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Query
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Relation
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ScopedClause
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SearchClause
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SimpleName
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SingleSpec
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortedQuery
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortSpec
accept(Visitor) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
addAndFilter(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
addConjunctiveFilter(String, Node, Operator) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
addDisjunctiveFilter(String, Node, Operator) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
addFacet(String, String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
addFacet(Facet<Term>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
addFilter(BooleanOperator, Filter<AbstractNode>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Add CQL filter.
addOption(Option<Term>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
addOrFilter(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
andfilter(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator


BooleanGroup - Class in org.xbib.cql
Abstract syntax tree of CQL - Boolean Group.
BooleanOperator - Enum in org.xbib.cql
Abstract syntax tree of CQL - boolean operator enumeration.
build(QueryGenerator, int, int) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SourceGenerator
build(QueryGenerator, int, int, XContentBuilder, XContentBuilder) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SourceGenerator


compareTo(Node) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.AbstractNode
Compare this node to another node.
compareTo(ElasticsearchFacet<V>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
compareTo(ElasticsearchFilter<V>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
compareTo(Facet<V>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
compareTo(Filter<V>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
compareTo(Option<V>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
Comparitor - Enum in org.xbib.cql
CQL operators.
countTokens() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer’s nextToken method can be called before it generates an exception.
CQLGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql
This is a CQL abstract syntax tree generator useful for normalizing CQL queries.
CQLGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
CQLParser - Class in org.xbib.cql
CQLParser(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
CQLQueryModel - Class in org.xbib.cql.model
A CQL query model.
CQLQueryModel() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel


DateUtil - Class in org.xbib.cql.util
DateUtil() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
days(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
days(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
decodeComponent(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Decodes a bit of an URL encoded by a browser.
decodeComponent(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Decodes a bit of an URL encoded by a browser.
DEFAULT_FACET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet


ElasticsearchFacet<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model
Elasticsearch facet.
ElasticsearchFacet(ElasticsearchFacet.Type, String, V) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
ElasticsearchFacet(ElasticsearchFacet.Type, String, V, int) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
ElasticsearchFacet.Type - Enum in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model
Types of Elasticsearch facets.
ElasticsearchFilter<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model
Elasticsearch filter.
ElasticsearchFilter(String, V, Operator) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
ElasticsearchFilterGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Generate Elasticsearch filter query from CQL abstract syntax tree.
ElasticsearchFilterGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
ElasticsearchFilterGenerator(ElasticsearchQueryModel) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
ElasticsearchQueryGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Generate Elasticsearch QueryModel DSL from CQL abstract syntax tree.
ElasticsearchQueryGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
ElasticsearchQueryModel - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model
Elasticsearch query model.
ElasticsearchQueryModel() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
end() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
end() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
end() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
end() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
endBoost() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
endFacets() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
endFilter() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
endFiltered() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
Expression - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
Elasticsearch expression.
Expression(Expression, Node) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
Constructor for folding nodes.
Expression(Operator, Node...) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression


facet(String, String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
facet(String, String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
Facet<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.model
Facet(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
Facet(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
FACET_INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Contexts 'facet', 'filter', and 'option'.
FacetBreadcrumbTrail<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb
Facet breadcrumb trail.
FacetBreadcrumbTrail() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.FacetBreadcrumbTrail
FacetsGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Build facet from abstract syntax tree.
FacetsGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
filter(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
Filter<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.model
Filter(String, V, Comparitor) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
Filter(String, V, Comparitor, String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
FILTER_INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
FilterBreadcrumbTrail<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb
Filter breadcrumbs.
FilterBreadcrumbTrail(BooleanOperator) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.FilterBreadcrumbTrail
FilterGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Build query filter in Elasticsearch JSON syntax from abstract syntax tree.
FilterGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
FilterGenerator(QueryGenerator) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
formatDate(Date, String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
formatDateISO(Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
formatDateRFC(Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
formatNow() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil


getArg1() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
getArg2() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
getArgs() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
getArity() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
getBoolean() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
getBooleanGroup() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ScopedClause
getComparitor() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Relation
getContext() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Index
getCQLQuery() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
getDate() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
getElasticsearchType(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Determine if the key has a type.
getFacetExpression() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
getFacetResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
getFacetTrail() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
getFilterExpression() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Get filter expression.
getFilterName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
getFilterName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
getFilterName() - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.QueryFacet
Get the filter name which must be used for filtering facet entries.
getFilterOperation() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
getFilterOperation() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
getFilterTrail() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
getFloat() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
getIndex() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SearchClause
getIndex() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SingleSpec
getInteger() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
getLabel() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
getModel() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
getModel() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
getModifierList() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.BooleanGroup
getModifierList() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ModifierList
getModifierList() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Relation
getModifierList() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SingleSpec
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Index
Get the name of the index.
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
getName() - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.QueryOption
getName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SimpleName
getOperator() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.BooleanGroup
getOperator() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
getOperator() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
getOptionTrail() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Get the option breadcrumb trail.
getPrefix() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.PrefixAssignment
getPrefixAssignments() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Query
getQuery() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
getQuery() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Query
getQuery() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SearchClause
getQuery() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortedQuery
getQueryResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
getRelation() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SearchClause
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
getResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SourceGenerator
getScopedClause() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Query
getScopedClause() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ScopedClause
getSearchClause() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ScopedClause
getSingleSpec() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortSpec
getSize() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
getSize() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
getSize() - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.QueryFacet
The size of the facet.
getSort() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Get sort expression.
getSortSpec() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortedQuery
getSortSpec() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortSpec
getSourceResult() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
getString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
Same as toString(), but ignore stringvalue.
getStringList() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
getTerm() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
getTerm() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
getTerm() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SearchClause
getToken() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.BooleanOperator
Get token.
getToken() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.Comparitor
Get token.
getType() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
getType() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
getType() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
getType() - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Node
getType() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
getType() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
getType() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
getURI() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.PrefixAssignment
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Identifier
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
getValue() - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.QueryOption
getValue() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
If the value is a String it is embedded in quotation marks.
getVisibility(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Get expression visibility of a given context.
getYear() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
getYear(Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
GMT - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil


hasFacets() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
hasFilter() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
hasMoreElements() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Returns the same value as the hasMoreTokens method.
hasMoreTokens() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Tests if there are more tokens available from this tokenizer’s string.
hasNext() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
hours(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
hours(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil


Identifier - Class in org.xbib.cql
An Identifier is a SimpleName or a String in double quotes.
Identifier(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Identifier
Identifier(SimpleName) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Identifier
Index - Class in org.xbib.cql
Abstract syntax tree of CQL - Index.
Index(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Index
Index(SimpleName) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Index
isAll() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
isBoundary() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
isDate() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
isFacetContext(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Check if this context is the facet context.
isFacetContext(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Check if this context is the facet context.
isFilterContext(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Check if this context is the filter context.
isFilterContext(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Check if this context is the filter context.
isFloat() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
isIdentifier() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
isLong() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
isName() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
ISO_FORMAT_DAYS - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
ISO_FORMAT_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
isOptionContext(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Check if this context is the option context.
isQuoted() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
isString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
isVisible() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
isVisible() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
isVisible() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
isVisible() - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Node
isVisible() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
isVisible() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
isVisible(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Get query of a given context.
isWildcard() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token


midnight() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
midnight(Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
MILLIS_PER_DAY - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
Number of milliseconds in a standard day.
MILLIS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
Number of milliseconds in a standard hour.
MILLIS_PER_MINUTE - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
Number of milliseconds in a standard minute.
MILLIS_PER_SECOND - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
Number of milliseconds in a standard second.
min() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
minutes(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
minutes(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
model(CQLQueryModel) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
Modifier - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
This is a modifier node for Elasticsearch query language.
Modifier(Node, Node) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
Modifier(Node) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
Modifier - Class in org.xbib.cql
Modifier(SimpleName, Comparitor, Term) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
Modifier(SimpleName) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
ModifierList - Class in org.xbib.cql
Modifier list.
ModifierList(ModifierList, Modifier) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.ModifierList
ModifierList(Modifier) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.ModifierList
months(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
months(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil


Name - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
A name for Elasticsearch fields.
Name(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
Name(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
next() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
nextElement() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Returns the same value as the nextToken method, except that its declared return value is Object rather than String.
nextToken() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Returns the next token from this string tokenizer.
nextToken(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Returns the next token in this string tokenizer’s string.
Node - Interface in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
This node class is the base class for the Elasticsearch Query Lange abstract syntax tree.
Node - Interface in org.xbib.cql
This is a node interface for the CQL abstract syntax tree.
now() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil


Operator - Enum in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
Elasticsearch operators.
Option<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.model
Option() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
OPTION_INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
OptionBreadcrumbTrail<V> - Class in org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb
An Option breadcrumb trail is a trail of attributes (key/value pairs).
OptionBreadcrumbTrail() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.OptionBreadcrumbTrail
orfilter(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
org.xbib.cql - package org.xbib.cql
Classes for CQL queries.
org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch - package org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Classes for compiling CQL to Elasticsearch queries.
org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast - package org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
Classes for abstract syntax tree construction for Elasticsearch query generation.
org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model - package org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model
Classes for Elasticsearch query model.
org.xbib.cql.model - package org.xbib.cql.model
Classes for CQL query modeling.
org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb - package org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb
Classes for breadcrumbs in the CQL model.
org.xbib.cql.util - package org.xbib.cql.util
Classes for CQL utilities.


parameters() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Returns the decoded key-value parameter pairs of the URI.
parse() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
parseDate(Object) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
parseDateISO(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
parseDateISO(String, Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
parseDateRFC(String) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
path() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Returns the decoded path string of the URI.
PrefixAssignment - Class in org.xbib.cql
Prefix assignment.
PrefixAssignment(Term, Term) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.PrefixAssignment
PrefixAssignment(Term) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.PrefixAssignment


Query - Class in org.xbib.cql
CQL query.
QueryFacet<V> - Interface in org.xbib.cql
Query facet.
QueryFilter<V> - Interface in org.xbib.cql
A Filter for a query.
QueryGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Build Elasticsearch query from abstract syntax tree.
QueryGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
QueryOption<V> - Interface in org.xbib.cql
Qery option.
QueryStringDecoder - Class in org.xbib.cql.util
Splits an HTTP query string into a path string and key-value parameter pairs.
QueryStringDecoder(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI.
QueryStringDecoder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI encoded in the specified charset.
QueryStringDecoder(String, Charset) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI encoded in the specified charset.
QueryStringDecoder(String, Charset, boolean) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI encoded in the specified charset.
QueryStringDecoder(String, Charset, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI encoded in the specified charset.
QueryStringDecoder(URI) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI.
QueryStringDecoder(URI, Charset) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI encoded in the specified charset.
QueryStringDecoder(URI, Charset, int) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Creates a new decoder that decodes the specified URI encoded in the specified charset.
QuotedStringTokenizer - Class in org.xbib.cql.util
A string tokenizer that understands quotes and escape characters.
QuotedStringTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.
QuotedStringTokenizer(String, String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. "\"\'" are used as quotes, and '\\' is used as the escape character.
QuotedStringTokenizer(String, String, String, char, boolean) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.


Relation - Class in org.xbib.cql
Relation to a ModifierList.
Relation(Comparitor, ModifierList) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Relation
Relation(Comparitor) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Relation
remove() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QuotedStringTokenizer
removeFacet(Facet<Term>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
removeFilter(Filter<AbstractNode>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Remove CQL filter.
removeOption(Option<Term>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
RFC_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil


ScopedClause - Class in org.xbib.cql
Scoped clause.
SearchClause - Class in org.xbib.cql
Search clause.
seconds(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
seconds(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
setBoostParams(String, String, Float, String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
setFrom(int) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
setName(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
setName(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
setName(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
setName(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
setName(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
setName(String) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.QueryOption
setQuery(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
setSize(int) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
setSort(XContentBuilder) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
setSort(Stack<Node>) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchQueryModel
Add sort expression.
setType(TokenType) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
setType(ElasticsearchFacet.Type) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
setValue(V) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
setValue(V) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
setValue(V) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
setValue(V) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
setValue(V) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
setValue(V) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.QueryOption
setValue(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term
Set value, useful for inline replacements in spellcheck suggestions.
SimpleName - Class in org.xbib.cql
A SimpleName consists of a String which is not surrounded by double quotes.
SimpleName(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.SimpleName
SingleSpec - Class in org.xbib.cql
Single spec.
SingleSpec(Index, ModifierList) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.SingleSpec
SingleSpec(Index) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.SingleSpec
SortedQuery - Class in org.xbib.cql
Sorted query.
SortGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Build sort in Elasticsearch JSON syntax from abstract syntax tree.
SortGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
SortSpec - Class in org.xbib.cql
Abstract syntax tree of CQL, the sort specification.
SortSpec(SortSpec, SingleSpec) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.SortSpec
SortSpec(SingleSpec) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.SortSpec
SourceGenerator - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
SourceGenerator() - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SourceGenerator
start() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
start() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
start() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
start() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
startBoost(String, String, Float, String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
startFacets() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
startFilter() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
startFiltered() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
SyntaxException - Exception in org.xbib.cql
CQL Syntax exception.
SyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xbib.cql.SyntaxException
Creates a new SyntaxException object.
SyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.xbib.cql.SyntaxException
Creates a new SyntaxException object.


Term - Class in org.xbib.cql
A CQL Term.
Term(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Term
Term(Identifier) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Term
Term(SimpleName) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Term
Term(Long) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Term
Term(Double) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.Term
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.FacetBreadcrumbTrail
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.FilterBreadcrumbTrail
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.OptionBreadcrumbTrail
Conjunct all CQL options to form a valid CQL string.
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.CQLQueryModel
Write the CQL query model as CQL string.
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
toCQL() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
today() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
Token - Class in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
Elasticsearch query tokens.
Token(String) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
Token(Boolean) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
Token(Long) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
Token(Double) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
Token(Date) - Constructor for class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
Token.TokenClass - Enum in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
The token classes.
TokenType - Enum in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast
Elasticsearch query language token types.
tomorrow() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
tomorrow(Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.BooleanGroup
toString() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.BooleanOperator
Write operator representation.
toString() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.Comparitor
Write operator representation.
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Expression
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Modifier
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Name
toString() - Method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFilter
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Identifier
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Index
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.FacetBreadcrumbTrail
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.FilterBreadcrumbTrail
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.breadcrumb.OptionBreadcrumbTrail
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Facet
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Filter
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.model.Option
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Modifier
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ModifierList
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.PrefixAssignment
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Query
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Relation
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.ScopedClause
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SearchClause
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SimpleName
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SingleSpec
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortedQuery
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.SortSpec
toString() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.Term


UnterminatedQuotedStringException - Exception in org.xbib.cql.util
Exception for string tokenizing.
UnterminatedQuotedStringException(String) - Constructor for exception org.xbib.cql.util.UnterminatedQuotedStringException
uri() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.util.QueryStringDecoder
Returns the uri used to initialize this QueryStringDecoder.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.BooleanOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.Comparitor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token.TokenClass
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.BooleanOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.Comparitor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.Token.TokenClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ast.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.model.ElasticsearchFacet.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visit(SortedQuery) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(Query) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(SortSpec) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(SingleSpec) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(PrefixAssignment) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(ScopedClause) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(BooleanGroup) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(SearchClause) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(Relation) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(ModifierList) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(Term) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(Identifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(SimpleName) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(Index) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
visit(SortedQuery) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(SortSpec) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(SingleSpec) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(Query) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(PrefixAssignment) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(ScopedClause) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(SearchClause) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(BooleanGroup) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(Relation) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(ModifierList) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(Term) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(Identifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(Index) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(SimpleName) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchFilterGenerator
visit(SortedQuery) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(SortSpec) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(SingleSpec) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Query) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(PrefixAssignment) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(ScopedClause) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(SearchClause) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(BooleanGroup) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Relation) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(ModifierList) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Term) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Identifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Index) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(SimpleName) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchQueryGenerator
visit(Token) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
visit(Name) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
visit(Operator) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
visit(Expression) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FacetsGenerator
visit(Token) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
visit(Name) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
visit(Operator) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
visit(Expression) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.FilterGenerator
visit(Token) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
visit(Name) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
visit(Operator) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
visit(Expression) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.QueryGenerator
visit(Token) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
visit(Name) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
visit(Modifier) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
visit(Operator) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
visit(Expression) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.SortGenerator
visit(Token) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.Visitor
visit(Name) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.Visitor
visit(Modifier) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.Visitor
visit(Operator) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.Visitor
visit(Expression) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch.Visitor
visit(SortedQuery) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(Query) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(PrefixAssignment) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(ScopedClause) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(BooleanGroup) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(SearchClause) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(Relation) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(Modifier) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(ModifierList) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(Term) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(Identifier) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(Index) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(SimpleName) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(SortSpec) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
visit(SingleSpec) - Method in interface org.xbib.cql.Visitor
Visitor - Interface in org.xbib.cql.elasticsearch
Visitor - Interface in org.xbib.cql
CQL abstract syntax tree visitor.


weeks(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
weeks(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
withBreadcrumbs() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
writeSubstitutedForm(String, String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLGenerator
Write a substitution query, for example when a term has been suggested to be replaced by another term.


years(int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
years(Date, int) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
yesterday() - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
yesterday(Date) - Static method in class org.xbib.cql.util.DateUtil
yyerrmsgs - Variable in class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
yyerrno - Variable in class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
yyerror(String) - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
yyexpand() - Method in class org.xbib.cql.CQLParser
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